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gen. repair/mend/patch up relations/ties (bookworm); get on track (Svetlana D); make connection; make amends (She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner.); develop a relationship (with – с: Sales were not initially impressive with only $352 coming in after the initial five-hour broadcast, Circosta revealed. Within 90 days we made a million dollars in a single day, he added. Circosta believes it took a while to develop a relationship with the audience and to familiarize them with ordering from television — a concept that was foreign at the time. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver); make up
Игорь Миг get relationship back on track; smooth things out; smooth things over; mend ties
amer. mend fences (Val_Ships); mend fences (в политике: he seeks to mend fences between Muslims and the West Val_Ships); make things work (We tried to make things work; Douglas and I have been trying to make things work; He must have written it when he was trying to make things work with Marian Taras)
busin. establish relations (russelt)
idiom. break the ice (Rugby is something of a national obsession, so those who want to break the ice quickly may want to familiarise themselves with the game. ART Vancouver)
polit. make inroads (with ... – с ...; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
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: 16 phrases in 5 subjects
Mass media6