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в нерабочее времяstresses
gen. in one's own time (ad_notam); outside regular hours (ART Vancouver); in off hours (применяется реже, чем outside regular hours ART Vancouver); out of hours (out of hours idiom mainly UK (US after hours) If you drink in a bar out of hours, you drink alcohol at a time when it is not allowed by law • The police are trying to stop out-of-hours drinking. CALD Alexander Demidov); outside working time (Alexander Demidov); outside the hours (Alexander Demidov); out of office hours (VLZ_58); off-duty (free from the responsibilities of your job : not working at a particular time.: A little over a year before the Grouse Mountain incident, on the evening of 22nd December 1952 at another Washington air force facility, Larson Air Force Base, an off-duty instrument technician would make a report of a strange object near the base.)
abbr. after office hours (Marie_D); A.O.H. (After Office Hours Marie_D)
busin. outside of working hours (нет разницы, с of или без of. С of больше примеров на сайтах us и uk, тж. см. antimoon.com Elina Semykina); outside of normal working hours (translator911); outside normal business hours (translator911)
inf. during someone's off-hours (I'll do it during my off-hours. Val_Ships)
IT outside of active hours
lab.law. outside normal work hours (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
law out of hours (British: after the regular hours of work or operation. The professor gave out his phone number so students could reach him out of hours. merriam-webster.com Alexander Demidov)
med. outside office hours (Den Leon)
oil.proc. Beyond working hours (Sagoto)
в нерабочее время
: 22 phrases in 14 subjects
Automated equipment1
Information technology1
Mass media1
Occupational health & safety1
Oil and gas1