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абандон nstresses
EBRD abandonment (страх.: The act of giving up the ownership of something covered by an insurance policy and treating it as if it has been completely lost or destroyed. If the insurers agree to abandonment, they will pay a total-loss claim (see actual total loss; constructive total loss). This often occurs in marine insurance if a vessel has run aground in hazardous waters and the cost of recovering it would be higher than its total value and the value of its cargo. It also occurs during wartime when a vessel is captured by the enemy. If the owner wishes to declare a vessel and its cargo a total loss, notice of abandonment is given to the insurer; if, subsequently, the vessel or its cargo are recovered, they become the property of the insurer. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
fr. abandon (свободная, непринуждённая манера исполнения)
insur. abandon
mar.law abandonment (акт отказа от застрахованного имущества в пользу страховщика)
nautic. abandonment (акт отказа владельца груза или судна от своего застрахованного имущества в пользу страховщика с требованием о возмещении убытков)
notar. abandonment (marine insurance admiralty); abandon (marine insurance admiralty)
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1