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in good timestresses
all in good time; in due course; in due time; when the time comes
gen. точно; в надлежащее время; заранее (Make sure you get there in good time to buy your ticket.); по расписанию (If there's no turbulence, we're on track to arrive in good time. george serebryakov); с запасом (по времени: Make sure you get there in good time to buy your ticket. george serebryakov); по графику (If there's no turbulence, we're on track to arrive in good time.); своевременно; вовремя (Our sincere thanks and we hope to be back – in good time, next time.); без опоздания (when or before due 4uzhoj); когда время придёт (when the appropriate moment arrives, when the time is right: I'll let him know in good time. 4uzhoj); во-время; в добрый час; с Богом; в нужное время; заблаговременно
econ. в должное время; в срок (своевременно)
Gruzovik, obs. благовременно
idiom. в своё время (т.е. не сейчас, позже Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. загодя (Anglophile); впопад
Makarov. с течением времени; со временем
math. задолго до (того как); предварительно; своевременный
"in good time"
fenc. своевременно
 English thesaurus
in good time
gen. when the appropriate moment arrives (I'll let him know in good time. merriam-webster.com); when the time is right (I'll let him know in good time. merriam-webster.com); in a reasonable length of time (thefreedictionary.com); when or before due (thefreedictionary.com); quickly (thefreedictionary.com); at the appropriate time (vocabulary.com)
in good time
: 57 phrases in 10 subjects
Contextual meaning1