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Terms for subject Oil / petroleum (681 entries)
1-Buten 1-butene
1-Butylen 1-butene
Abbaustätte deposit
Abhaengevorrichtung hook off
Abstichgenerator liquid-slag producer
Abwärtsgasen down-run
Abweichung von Bohrloechern von den Lotrechten deviation of wells from the vertical
Ad-hoc-Gruppe " Erdoelerzeugnisse " Ad hoc Group on Petroleum Products
Aethylendiamin und seine Salze ethylenediamine and its salts
Air-Lift Ausrüstung air lift equipment
Air-Lift Ausrüstung gas lift equipment
Alkan alcane
Alkan paraffins
Alkylatbenzin alkylate gasoline
Alkylatbenzin alkylation gasoline
Alkylieranlage alkylator
Alkylierungsbeschickung alkylation feed
Alkylierungsprodukt alkylate
Aminoaldehyde, Aminoketone und Aminochinone amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones and amino-quinones
Ammoniakwäsche ammonia scrubber