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Terms for subject Pharmacology (69 entries)
Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use CHMP iwona
AEt Accelerated Environmental Test iwona
AIPM Association of International Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Anna C­halisov­a
ANS Panel Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food shpak_­07
Beriate Dialysis Buffer BDP iwona
C.I. number Colour Index International Allin
CMDh Co-ordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedures-Human peregr­in
Coldform film OPA-ALU-PVC (nylon-ALU-PVC) makes it possible to almost entirely eliminate water-vapor permeability. Allin
Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use CHMP iwona
Continuous Improvement Quality System CI Quality System kat_j
controlled-onset extended-release COER-24 kat_j
copp Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products Al-Mut­arjim
d/c'd discontinued Dimpas­sy
DP level drug product level Rada04­14
EU HBD EU Harmonised Birth Date gatamo­ntesa
excip. pro compr. obduct. excipients pro compression obduction Лорина
fu non-protein-bound fraction Dimpas­sy
GenAd Gender Advisor S3_OPS
generic generic drug 4uzhoj
herbal products herbal medicinal product 4uzhoj