

link 17.11.2004 8:06 
Subject: The high-quality recycling material
Помогите перевести...сфера строительства, дренаж
The high-quality recycling material and optimum shape for HD-PE Channels ensure a high stability and lightweight of the channels


link 17.11.2004 8:25 
well, let me have a go at it. вторсырье высокого качества. altough i am not sure it fits your context. hugs


link 17.11.2004 11:16 
Здесь скорее всего- могущий использоваться неоднакратно.


link 17.11.2004 12:31 
anov, i see you point, and well taken it is, but one needs to tread carefully here, могущий использоваться неоднакратно would be recyclable meterial in english, not recycling material, as it says in go-getter's post. so, i stick to my version, as martin luther once famously said, i cannot, i shall not repent, here i stand. hugs


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