

link 1.12.2006 14:44 
Subject: detached concern
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести только эти два слова.

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
Dr. Halpern begins and ends with the bedside dilemma of the caring physician, who must make difficult judgments on behalf of patients who are already anxious, angry, in pain, or depressed. The prevailing medical wisdom assumes that such judgments are best made from a position of detached concern, what Halpern describes as detachment with a veneer of tenderness (p. 25). Patients’ emotions do not directly indicate the extent or nature of their underlying disease—the expression of pain, for example, derives from culture, expectation, and past history as much as from degree of tissue damage. Physicians’ emotional responses to patients are similarly idiosyncratic. To achieve reliability, objectivity, and reproducibility in medical intervention, the argument goes, the physician must learn to factor out all these unique elements and rely on the evidence of controlled observations of group responses.

From Detached Concern to Empathy gently exposes the fallacy of this argument, demonstrating the critical role that patients’ emotions play in the process of many diseases and in physicians’ treatment decisions. Patients’ emotions affect their motivation to pursue and follow treatment as well as their ability to accommodate to the necessary losses of chronic disease. In a more basic sense, emotions are an organizing principle of cognition, so that patients and physicians both think differently depending on their mood. Rather than compromising good judgment, Dr. Halpern argues, empathic understanding of a patient’s experience and the physician’s awareness of his or her own emotional state in response to it enhance clinical reasoning and improve patient outcome. Moreover, this type of empathy is not some mysterious process of merging that develops over years of psychotherapy. As her examples show, bedside empathy can be cultivated to good effect in relatively brief encounters with unknown patients.

Заранее спасибо


link 1.12.2006 15:02 
Jodi Halpern, psychiatrist, medical ethicist, and philosopher, argues that the traditional medical stance of detached concern—that is, "not being moved or influenced emotionally by the patient", rather than aiding the healing process, actually hinders it...

"Контроль эмпатии"


link 1.12.2006 15:40 
Я думаю, может 'бесстрастное отношение' лучше подойдет.


link 1.12.2006 16:04 
это книжку надо читать, чтоб выбрать, что лучше


link 1.12.2006 18:28 
Я ее и читаю сейчас. Вы правы, это действительно зависит от контекста. Ведь некоторые перевели бы это как 'беспристрастное отношение' или даже 'непредубежденный интерес /участие /внимание/ забота (к пациенту)'.


link 1.12.2006 18:47 
в вашу копилку: эмоционально удаленное отношение/участие и т.п.


link 1.12.2006 19:42 
а, до меня дошло смысловое членение: "От отстранения (-) к эмпатии"


link 1.12.2006 20:04 
Мне лично очень нравится вариант, предложенный nephew. Он даже гуглится :)

Могу предложить несколько вольностей на тему, которые на статус термина, конечно, никак не тянут:

Практика развоплощения
Терапевтическое безучастие
Сознательное эмпатическое бессилие
Преднамеренно отчужденная позиция



link 1.12.2006 21:05 
+ эмпатическое "эпохе" (воздержание)


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