

link 7.11.2006 14:15 
Subject: Помогите убрать THAT из перевода
Добрый день!

Я что-то подзабыла правила...(( Можно ведь убрать that из моего перевода, только надо как-то правильно согласовать слова....
Если не сложно, проверьте правильность перевода этого предложения, пусть даже с double-that.


Мы не требуем наличия финансовых резервов у заемщика, но полагаем, что минимальное количество резервов (два месяца) должны быть доступны заемщику после оплаты расходов на закрытие ипотечной сделки.


We do not require that an applicant has any financial reserves, but we suggest that a minimum amount of reserves (two months) should remain at the borrow’s disposal after the mortgage transaction closing.

Спасибо большое!


link 7.11.2006 14:22 
We do not require the borrower to have any financial reserves, but we believe [that] at least two months' worth of [such] reserves should be available to B. after payment of expenses associated with mortgage transaction closing.


link 7.11.2006 14:26 
but we suggest that a minimum amount of reserves ..... = we recommend that you do this
but we suggest a minimum amount of reserves ... = after this you expect to see the actual amount they suggest to hold. and as they only want to suggest that you have reserves of some kind, you NEED THAT. without it, the sentence will be gramatically incorrect


link 7.11.2006 14:27 


link 7.11.2006 14:29 
There is no requirement as to.... . However, we (beleive/presume) that minimum (two month's worth of)... should be available for the borrower to...

Я бы как-то так, имхо.


link 7.11.2006 14:31 
В итоге:

We do not require the borrower to have any financial reserves, but we suggest a minimum amount of reserves (2 months)to remain at the borrow’s disposal after the mortgage transaction closing.

Так можно, Нина? Или воспользоваться предложением PERPETRATOR™???


link 7.11.2006 14:33 
Ириша, респект. Спасибо!


link 7.11.2006 17:23 

We do not require that the borrower show/demonstrate any financial reserves. However, we advise borrowers to have reserves, equal to two months' mortgage payment, available to them after all closing costs are paid.


link 7.11.2006 22:09 
/но полагаем, что минимальное количество резервов (два месяца) должны быть доступны заемщику/ - ..although we assume that a minimum 2-month reserve is available to the borrower..


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