

link 31.07.2006 9:36 
Subject: понимаю, а выразить не могу, помогите
вот уже мин 30 сижу над двумя абзацами, и ни как! может поможет кто?

Subject to the foregoing restriction, Distributor may act as a sales representative or distributor for other products, provided however, that Distributor shall promptly notify Varian in writing of any product that it undertakes to directly or indirectly manufacture, sell, represent or promote.

distributor may solicit sales of products in other states to the extent such other states are not exclusive territories which have been allocated to another representative or distributor of X or reserved to X.


link 31.07.2006 10:29 
Закрой текст и напиши своими словами все, что запомнил. Потом открой оригинал и сравни, не забыл ли что-нибудь.


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