

link 29.03.2006 8:21 
Subject: who is гуманитарий?
Кто знает, как по-английски назвать "гуманитария"?

Humanitarian это, вроде бы, гуманист. Не то.
Scholar - это типа учёный, какой-нибудь филолог-классик. Тоже не совсем то.



link 29.03.2006 8:28 
liberal arts/studies
4 (the) humanities [plural] subjects of study such as literature, history, or art, rather than science or mathematics [= (the) arts]


link 29.03.2006 8:28 
context? ;)


link 29.03.2006 8:30 
Scholars working in the humanities are sometimes described as humanists. But that term also describes the philosophical position of humanism, which some antihumanist scholars in the humanities reject.


link 29.03.2006 8:33 
Arts and Humanities Scholars


link 29.03.2006 8:51 
Thanks to all who have bothered to reply!

What I'm looking for is a word for a person who
is interested in /
is engaged in the study of /
feels affiliation with /
the humanities.

To justboris: the context is a lecture in contemporary art. The author seems to be consistently avoiding the use of a general term for those he describes as historians, art historians, philologists, etc. The best I can get out of it is 'researcher' which is not quite what I need.

To kinsman: Thanks for 'Arts and Humanities Scholar'. This sounds closer to the point, but can you think of something less cumbersome?


link 29.03.2006 8:58 
literati - persons interested in literature or the arts MW


link 29.03.2006 8:59 


link 29.03.2006 9:07 
classical scholar
Выбирайте, в зависимости от контекста.


link 29.03.2006 9:14 

kinsman, Аристарх: действительно, гуманитарий (учёный) = 'humanities/classical scholar'. Этим и буду пользоваться. Пожалуй, ничего более изящного не придумать.


link 29.03.2006 10:58 
art & humanties scholar is the best imho
humanities scholar or classical scholar is ok as well
humanities/classical scolar more combersome than the first one


link 29.03.2006 11:21 
Mathematically deprived one.


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