

link 11.03.2006 23:00 
Subject: Does Queen of England smoke?
who knows where it came from:

to be into 420 = to smoke marihuanna..

they say that Queen of England liked to smoke a sigarette just after 4 o'clock tea... its like in 20 minutes?:)

lol just curious!


link 11.03.2006 23:08 
один из вариантов: это школьное выражение, 16:20, занятия кончились, а родители еще на работе, самое время покурить.


link 11.03.2006 23:09 
причем выражение американское, королева тут как-то и рядом не стояла :)))


link 12.03.2006 2:53 
here is what i've managed to scrounge up on the subject.

The Origin Revealed
According to Steven Hager, editor of High Times, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke pot. Intent on developing their own discreet language, they made 420 code for a time to get high, and its use spread among members of an entire generation. While our teens feel that they know something we don't, you can let them in on the fact that it was your generation that came up with the numbers.

A quote from one of the Waldos in the High Times article states, "We did discover we could talk about getting high in front of our parents without them knowing by using the phrase 420." Fortunately, your teenagers will not have that same option.


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