

link 1.11.2019 5:10 
Subject: общая площадь медицинских помещений
Рефлет - рекламная информация о мед учреждении.

Общая площадь медицинских помещений - более...

Как эти "медицинские помещения" перевести? Не могу подходяще выражение подобрать... medical rooms? - это вроде как кабинеты больше medical facilities - учреждения

У нас речь идет о помещениях медицинского назначения,  выделяемых из общей площади мед учреждения


link 1.11.2019 6:03 


link 1.11.2019 6:07 
+ описание разных помещений в мед. учреждении



link 1.11.2019 6:13 
Спасибо большое!!!


link 2.11.2019 17:47 
'the total area occupied by the medical facilities is (in excess of/more than) x square (meters/metres*)


'the medical facilities (cover/occupy) a total area of more than x square (meters/metres)'


'the medical facilities (cover/occupy) an area (totaling/totalling*) more than x square (meters/metres)'

* meters (US Eng), metres (UK Eng)

* totaling (US Eng), totalling (UK Eng)

Note also that Americans still tend to use imperial measures (inc square feet) rather than square meters, although 'square meters' will probably be understood.

 Amor 71

link 2.11.2019 17:56 
////although 'square meters' will probably be understood.////

No, square feet/yard, but never meters.

 Amor 71

link 2.11.2019 18:08 
clinical and clinical support spaces


link 2.11.2019 18:42 
** No, square feet/yard, but never meters. **

OK. You Americans are just behind the times! Until 40+ years ago we Brits used imperial measurements only, but have increasingly become 'metricated' under the influence of Europe. Scientists were amongst the first to 'go metric'. Strangely some things here are still expressed in imperial measurements, though -- like drinks in pubs (always served in pints, half-pints etc), and distances on road signs, which are still expressed in miles/yards -- never kilometres. Irish and Australian road signs have gone metric, though.

 Amor 71

link 2.11.2019 20:11 
They have been trying here for decades but it doesn't work. When my colleagues see military time, they use fingers to calculate what does it mean in "normal" American time. However, I can tell you that in all medical documents person's height and weight are measured in centimeters and kilograms.


link 2.11.2019 21:14 
It's the same here with medical staff -- they now use the metric system too. But ordinary Americans still tend to give their own (body) weight in pounds (lbs), don't they?

Here, ordinary Brits tend to express their own weight in stones (1 stone = 14 pounds) and pounds (lbs) rather than just in pounds. So ......

10 lbs (US) = 10 lbs (UK)

20 lbs (US) = 1 st 8 lbs (UK)

30 lbs (US) = 2 st 2 lbs (UK)

and so on.

So whereas an American will say "I weigh 179 lbs", Brits will express the same weight as "12 st 11 lbs".

 Amor 71

link 2.11.2019 23:48 
I found out about " stones" just recently. It was an article in Yahoo, and probably they copy-pasted from British tabloid without bothering to write in pounds.


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