

link 28.10.2005 16:02 
Subject: Vampire Hunter D: lit.
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Their minds were a blank, completely bare of memories for the exact span of time they'd been missing. Maybe they'd been left that way by external forces, or then again maybe it was something the kids' own subconscious minds had pulled to keep them all from going insane. Though if it was the latter, I suppose you'd have to say that as far as Jorshtem's boy went, the results weren't quite what you'd hope for—to this day, Cuore's still crazy as a bedbug.

Заранее спасибо.


link 28.10.2005 16:46 
Честно говоря, не понимаю, что здесь могло вызвать затруднение.


link 29.10.2005 6:17 
Though if it was the latter, I suppose you'd have to say that as far as Jorshtem's boy went, the results weren't quite what you'd hope for—to this day, Cuore's still crazy as a bedbug.


link 29.10.2005 6:18 
Именно эта фраза.

that as far as Jorshtem's boy went, the results weren't quite what you'd hope for—to this day


link 29.10.2005 13:47 
...you'd hope for [, because]to this day, Cuore's still crazy as a bedbug.

to this day начинает следующий clause.


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