

link 21.10.2005 19:46 
Subject: In July 1975, Laughing Water, then a graduate student at the University of California at Berkeley, attended a three-week yoga retreat at the Feathered Pipe Ranch in Helena, Mont.
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In July 1975, Laughing Water, then a graduate student at the University of California at Berkeley, attended a three-week yoga retreat at the Feathered Pipe Ranch in Helena, Mont.
Заранее спасибо.


link 21.10.2005 20:12 
В июле 1975 ЛВ, бывший тогда аспирантом университета Калифорнии в Беркли, прошел трехнедельный курс в йога-центре фонда Feathered Pipe Ranch в Гелене(?), Монтана.


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