

link 19.09.2016 15:29 
Subject: target carbohydrate antigens on carbohydrate rich cancers pharm.
Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести "target carbohydrate antigens on carbohydrate rich cancers"

It is noted that the IgM, IgA, IgG/IgM and IgG/IgA antibodies herein may also target carbohydrate antigens on carbohydrate rich cancers.
Следует отметить, что антитела IgM, IgA, IgG/IgM и IgG/IgA, описанные в данном документе, также могут направленно связываться с углеводными антигенами на злокачественных клетках, рецепторы которых богаты углеводными компонентами.



link 19.09.2016 16:13 
I googled and found this:
Carbohydrate-rich tumor markers are specific antigens found either on the surface of tumor cells or may also be secreted as products by the tumor cells.
The carbohydrate tumor markers are further classified as high-molecular weight mucins and blood group antigen-related markers.
Monoclonal antibodies produced against carbohydrate-rich antigens are generally more specific and less prone to cross-reactivity than antibodies developed against hormones and enzymes.
In current nomenclature, the carbohydrate antigens are abbreviated "CA" and are also referred to more generally as "cancer antigens," followed by their number of discovery, such as 125, 549, and so on.

может быть, эти маркеры и имеются в виду, и авторы хотели сказать, что антитела связываются с эпитопами на этих маркерах?


link 19.09.2016 17:27 
да, это так. Вопрос, как перевести


link 19.09.2016 17:45 
еще есть такой контекст: Carbohydrate-based tumor antigens have been shown to have good tumor association, with alternative forma of glycosylation that allow the production of IgG antibodies binding to such antigens with reasonable specificity but not necessarily high affinity.


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