

link 6.03.2015 13:56 
Subject: знатоки крикета, помогите, пожалуйста gen.
I loved cricket and was generally pretty good at it, but this had been a game in which I had an uncharacteristically timid outing with the bat and before I’d contributed a single run I was clean bowled without so much as a ‘wave of the English Willow’!

как правильно перевести outing with the bat, contribute a single run и clean bowled without so much as a ‘wave of the English Willow’?


link 6.03.2015 17:57 
биты делают из дерева плакучей ивы
Автор выбывал из игры, не успев еще и битой взмахнуть


link 6.03.2015 21:39 
Outing with the bat:
'Outing' here means a public appearance (as a batsman)


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