

link 20.03.2013 11:42 
Subject: Помогите исправить стилистические ошибки rus.usg.
1. What is your standing address?
2. The countries signed a commercial agreement.
3. First help was rendered to the injured.
4. The animal passed away.
5. The Prime Minister has got a screw loose.
6. He is the greatest inkslinger living.
7. You should consult a good pill roller.


link 20.03.2013 12:11 
1 permanent address
2 commercial treaty
3 first aid
4 died


link 20.03.2013 13:00 
5. two screws loose? :-)


link 20.03.2013 13:00 
почему сами сначала не попробуете, Christi911? Это ведь ВАШЕ домашнее задание.


link 20.03.2013 13:15 
5. his mind is gone

 Francis Fanon

link 20.03.2013 13:31 
5. The Prime Minister is suffering from a mental disorder.


link 20.03.2013 13:38 
5. а не в смыле has lost his temper (patience)?


link 20.03.2013 14:24 
я так и сделала, Aiduza. но сомневалась. всем спасибо большое-пребольшое!

 SirReal moderator

link 20.03.2013 14:45 
Невозможно исправлять текст, не зная, что в нем должно быть написано.


link 20.03.2013 15:03 
Christi911 мона было свой варт прилоджить


link 20.03.2013 16:01 
Мои варианты:
1.What is your (PERMAMENT or HOME) address?
2.The countries signed a commercial (TREATY)
3.First (AID) was rendered to the injured.
4.The animal passed (HENCE)
The animal (WENT HENCE)
5.The Prime Minister (LOST MIND or LOST HIS HEAD)
6.He is the greatest (TATOOER) living.
7.You should consult a good (DOCTOR)


link 20.03.2013 16:42 
6. tatToer - неверно. см. словарь.


link 20.03.2013 16:51 
5. lost his marbles


link 20.03.2013 16:52 
7. chemist?


link 20.03.2013 17:09 
опечатка, Wolverin


link 20.03.2013 17:17 


link 20.03.2013 17:28 
5. is off the rocker

7. drug dealer


link 20.03.2013 17:32 
7. "physician", that is.


link 20.03.2013 17:32 
Noun 1. pill roller - a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
apothecary, druggist, pharmacist, pill pusher, chemist
caregiver, health care provider, health professional, PCP, primary care provider - a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
pharmaceutical chemist, pharmacologist - someone trained in the science of drugs (their composition and uses and effects)


link 20.03.2013 18:17 
Thank you so much, Aiduza


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