
 Sunset 7

link 4.03.2012 13:41 
Subject: between or among gen.
Hello! What preposition must be used in the sentence "She knows difference between (among)them"?

 AMOR 69

link 4.03.2012 13:52 
She is the one among them who knows the difference between them.

 Sunset 7

link 5.03.2012 0:30 
Could "between" be used when we mean the difference between many people?
She knows difference between them all..


link 5.03.2012 0:34 
among - это когда больше двух...


link 5.03.2012 0:53 
she knows what differentiates each of them [among others]

 Классика жанра

link 5.03.2012 1:04 
I think that when one speaks about the unity of things without the intention of disintegrating this unity we use "among", when we take one thing and another thing we use "between".
Besides, compare the translations:
among - среди
between - между
Anyway, to err is human...)))


link 5.03.2012 1:55 
As an example to this problem we can add following:
when two people are speaking "between" is usually used there was tough language barrier between them.

If you have choice or more than three things, in this case you should use "among" -
We also use "among" when we have a group of smth.


link 5.03.2012 7:46 
Use "among" when referring to three or more and "between" when referring to two (between A and B) or to reciprocal relationships shared by two or more (e.g., unitization between the companies).

 Sunset 7

link 5.03.2012 13:42 
Thank you, guys for your answers. Then, how would you say "The house stood between (or among) that trees.""The house stands amond (between) five trees"?:-)


link 5.03.2012 14:10 
I would most definitely say 'the house stood among the trees'.
or - the house stood between 2 trees:))

It sounds simplistic. Here's an example of subtle 'literature' usage:
Buck lived at a big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley.
Judge Miller's place, it was called. It stood back from the road, half
hidden among the trees, through which glimpses could be caught of
the wide cool veranda that ran around its four sides.


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