

link 2.11.2010 9:34 
Subject: digester treatment system
Не могу понять, как лучше перевести digester gas. Написала пока газ вторичной переработки. Есть еще вариант "биогаз". Это не одно и то же? Может, кто-то разбирается. Отсюда возникает вопрос, как правильно перевести digester treatment system. Что за система очистки? Пожалуйста, подскажите! Вот контекст:

An external digester gas treatment system that
cleans the digester gas to the level specified in fuel specification
document “Limit of Contaminants for Externally Purified Gas.” This
purification level shall be tested prior to operation with fuel cell. The
treatment system must also meet the other criteria listed in the specification.
Secondary fuel meeting specification document #5665. This is typically pipeline natural gas, but LNG could also be used.
■ The digester treatment system should have enough reserve treated gas capacity so that upon loss of digester supply, the amount of gas provided by depressurization of the system would provide a minimum of 1400 scf of treated gas at a minimum of 15 psi (this is needed during the transition to full secondary fuel flow).



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