

link 11.12.2009 21:27 
Subject: четкие действия
Народ, туплю, SOS.
"Четко действовали сотрудники ФСБ в ходе обеспечения саммита Группы Восьми".

И у меня еще три мешка путинских клише )


link 11.12.2009 21:33 
IMHO: The FSB officers acted decisively during the G8 summit.


link 11.12.2009 22:35 
FSB officers acted with great precision


link 11.12.2009 22:44 


link 16.12.2009 3:29 
While "great precision" sounds correct, the meaning is unclear to an English speaker in the context of paramilitary units. Great precision is more appropriate to surgeons or watch makers, for instance. Decisively is in fact "with precision" in this context . But it's your call, of course.


link 16.12.2009 6:14 
Neither 'decisively' nor 'with great precision' is meant here



link 16.12.2009 6:17 
or competently


link 16.12.2009 6:26 
They knew what they were doing.


link 16.12.2009 6:37 
АА3, exactly!


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