

link 7.06.2005 7:24 
Subject: нижнепермский, пермотриасовый, мезозойский
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link 7.06.2005 7:31 
Lower Permian, Permian-Triassic, Mesozoic

Adjectives Early (Lower), Middle, and Late (Upper) applied to the Paleozoic, Triassic, Jurassic, etc. should be capitalized if designate formal and globally accepted units of geologic history or stratigraphy.
the Early Permian
Lower Cretaceous sediments
the Middle Devonian tectonic event
Modifiers early (lower), middle, and late (upper) should not be capitalized when designate informal time or position:
eruptions ceased in the early Pliocene time (i.e., volcanic material occurs in the strata the Pliocene starts with, but the exact time of volcanic extinction is unknown)
upper Cenomanian beds (beds occurring closer to the Cenomanian top)
The same rule is applicable to lithostratigraphic units or local stratigraphic scales.
the Upper Timpton subgroup (as a formal unit of the Timpton group)
the Lower Bodrack subformation
Never add words era, system, series, etc., to formal stratigraphic or time names whether they are used as nouns or adjectives. Do not write the Jurassic system, write simply (the) Jurassic. Do add words formation, group, horizon, etc., to the names of lithostratigraphic divisions at their first mention in text. Then use these words when required for clarity.


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