

link 8.12.2008 16:15 
Subject: to be incorporate into IT
Кто знает, когда после incorporate в пассиве нужно употреблять into, a когда in? Или нет разницы?

У меня такой случай:
In addition, new features like message audit and sign player logging should be designed and incorporated in the system.


link 8.12.2008 16:26 
i'd use "into"
In addition, new features, like SUCH AS message audit and sign player logging, should be designed and incorporated inTO the system.


link 8.12.2008 16:30 
Спасибо, sledopyt, так и поступим.
Но, может, кто-то ради будущего разъяснит разницу?


link 8.12.2008 16:40 
почитайте про предлоги места/направления

2. The other two prepositions of direction are compounds formed by adding "to" to the corresponding prepositions of location.

The preposition of location determines the meaning of the preposition of direction.
ON + TO = onto: signifies movement toward a surface
IN + TO = into: signifies movement toward the interior of a volume

("To" is part of the directional preposition toward, and the two mean about the same thing.)


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