

link 7.05.2008 11:27 
Subject: котируем банкноты и монеты
Ok, talking about FOREX and about banking services for other banks and currency exchanges... what is котируем банкноты и монеты? somehow it is not coming to mind even though I know I have seen it somewhere before.


PS What's up with MT?


link 7.05.2008 11:33 
I assume this is what they want.... is it right?

котируем банкноты и монеты = quote banknotes and coins

прямыми котировками по основным парам валют = direct quotes on the basis of currency pairs


 Alexis a.k.a. Althea

link 7.05.2008 11:40 
(1) value
(2) direct quotes for currency pairs


link 7.05.2008 11:44 
aga. ok thanks.

 Anton Klimenko

link 7.05.2008 11:47 
основные пары валют - MAJOR currency pairs


link 7.05.2008 11:48 
oh god, yes. ok, really really bad day. sorry


link 7.05.2008 12:08 
[sipping my pint]
A little bird told me you don't have bad hair days, just bad hair, Nina...


link 7.05.2008 13:41 
wasn't it me who told you that? are you completely drunk?


link 7.05.2008 13:59 
"...and I don't have a drinking problem, 'cept when I can't get a drink" (c) Tom Waits



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