

link 4.10.2007 13:57 
Subject: ДОГОВОР
Русский вариант: Все расходы, связанные с выполнением настоящего договора , Исполнитель несет самостоятельно за счет своего вознаграждения .

Подскажите как лучше сказать.
1. All expenses associated with the execution of the present Contract, the Client bears independently, by means of his honorary.
2.All expenses associated with the execution of the present Contract, the Client bears at his own expense.


link 4.10.2007 14:04 
All costs and expenses incurred by [the] Contractor in/[arising from and] in connexion with performance of this Contract shall be deducted/subtracted from Contractor's fee[s].


link 4.10.2007 14:09 
The Client (?) shall bear on its own all costs related to the execution of the Contract out of its remuneration.


link 4.10.2007 14:12 
ок, спасибо.
А может заодно подскажите как более правильно переводить Исполнителя: Client или Contractor?


link 4.10.2007 14:12 
Конечно, Contractor


link 4.10.2007 14:14 
foxtrot, thank you very much!


link 4.10.2007 17:56 
2 foxtrot: I think your meaning is a little different. It may be understood from your translation that the Customer will be deducting expenses from the fees payable to the Contractor.

However, often in practice the customer may not even know about the expenses incurred by the Contractor. So, I think what the sentanse is telling us here is this: the Contractor will be paying his own expenses out of the remuneration that he will receive for the performance of the work. In other words, all the Customer owes is the payment for the work performed and nothing on top of that.

So, I would say smth like this:

All expenses related to the performance of the work under this Contract, shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. Contractor shall pay for those expenses out of Contractor's renumeration for the services under this contract.

Would you agree?


link 4.10.2007 18:27 
Как вариант:
All expenses relating to the performance hereof shall be borne by the Contractor solely and shall be paid out of its remuneration.


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