

link 7.08.2007 17:23 
Subject: fixed duration
it is not uncommon to incentivise individual agents with mileage awards and prizes, both on an agency basis and as a part of a fixed duration, , locally targeted sales campaign.

это не редкость стимулировать агентства вознаграждениями и призами за проданный километраж по условиям договора или как часть fixed duration, в небольшом масштабе это направлено на компании, занимающиеся сбытом

и еще: keyed off the comparative sales
they may be orientated more specifically to market share by being keyed off the comparative sales with respect to other carriers in a particular market

они могут ориентироваться более специфично на долю рынка, будучи исключенными из сравнительных продаж относительно другого перевозчика на конкретном рынке

и как понять keyed off the comparative sales???


link 7.08.2007 18:29 
IMHO - to clarify - fixed duration locally targeted sales campaign?
I think they refer to a sales campaign of a fixed duration, ie, with a start and finish date. Like an aktsia Aeroflot occasionally runs. So basically these agents are to be rewarded for mileage as part of contract and also on a separately accumulated basis during a specific promotional campaign.

Keyed off - not sure. A key can be used to describe something that affords a means of access figuratively. In other words, use as something to work of/from. As in defining market share by working off comparative sales. This is very IMHO w/o more context. Sorry to not be much help.


link 7.08.2007 18:44 
общий смысл fixed duration я понимаю, только вот не пойму к чему это привязать. вот целый абзац
2. Дополнительные расходы на агентства Комиссионные и оверрайды всего лишь две разновидности затрат, связанных со сбытом через агентства. Существуют другие виды. Первое, крупные авиакомпании имеют торговых агентов, занимающихся звонками и визитами в ключевые агентства. Второе, средства, которые получают агентства от клиентов проходят несколько этапов финансовых операций (выставление счетов, оплата и пр.), установленные в каждой стране, прежде чем попадут на счета авиакомпании, и к тому же это занимает гораздо больше времени чем, получение наличных средств от прямых продаж. (Эквивалентом является Зональная Система Взаиморасчетов, которая принята в Соединенных Штатах, и применяется Корпорацией Взаиморасчетов и Отчетности Авиакомпаний).
далее идет то самое предложение. Единстенный промежуток времени, о котором ведется речь - это время получения средств после всех произведенных операций. Но по смыслу - оно к нашему fixed duration не относится..... или чего-то не понимаю....


link 7.08.2007 19:03 
I think it would be easier if the paragraph was in English. Sorry


link 7.08.2007 19:09 
он у меня в книжке))) сил уже нет весь перепечатывать)) лучше утрм скину.....



link 7.08.2007 19:09 
Kath, спасибо.....


link 7.08.2007 19:25 
Commissions and overrides are just two aspects of the cost involved in distributing through agents. There are others. First, major airlines generally have sales forces tasked with telephoning and visiting key agencies. Second, money billing and settlement plans established in each country and takes longer to reach the airline than cash from direct sales. (The equivalent in the United States is the Area Settlement PLan operated by te Airlines Reporting Corporation.)Third , it is uncommon to incentivise individual agents with mileage awards and prizes, both on an agency basis and as a part of a fixed duration, , locally targeted sales campaign.


link 7.08.2007 20:26 
Okay, I think that it means this:

There are different ways in which airlines spend their monies on agencies (am assuming travel agencies). Third - incentives airlines offer individual agents (people) are mileage awards (which are not for sold miles) - mileage rewards are virtual miles, ie, travel mileage distances, that said agents can redeem as tickets. There are 'mileage reward" programs for all travellers on all major world airlines. For instance, I have mileage points (can also be called "preferred customer points", "frequent flyer miles" etc.) with several airlines. Basically, when I buy tickets, they are valued as certain mileage points. Logically, longer haul flights are worth more mileage points. If I, for instance, fly with British Air 6 times on a transatlantic flight, I accumulate 20,000 mileage points, which can be redeemed as one FREE ticket to wherever these "virtual miles" can take me. So I think you were not entirely accurate in your original translation.

So... one incentive is mileage points another are prizes. Both these incentives are given out on an agency basis, ie, as fixed deal for representing them, and also for fixed duration (fixed term) effective during local campaigns. For instance, they get on-going agency rewards, but also if these agents have some local promotion and get more sales. Then they will be additionally rewarded for the sales they generate during said sales campaign.

I hope I made it clear. It's late for me too :))


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