מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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tongue in cheek ['tvəin'təɪ:k]מתח
כלל. в шутку; иронически; несерьёзно; дурачась
tongue-in-cheek ['tʌŋɪn'ʧi:k]
כלל. полушутя, полувсерьёз (If you say something tongue in cheek, you intend it to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious: "He said that he was a huge fan of the president, although I suspect it was tongue in cheek." (Cambridge Dictionary): People have always said that there is something otherworldly about Elon Musk and now he has come out and confirmed it... well, sort of. Speaking via webcam during an interview at Europe's Viva Tech event this week, Musk was quick to offer a tongue-in-cheek reply when the host quipped: "Some people believe you are an alien." "I am an alien," Musk replied. "You are? Now you are uncovered," the host replied. "Yes, I tell people I'm an alien but nobody believes me," Musk confirmed. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver); не без иронии (VLZ_58); иронически (Andrey Truhachev); не всерьёз (I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when I said that. – Well, she thought you were serious. 4uzhoj); лукавый; насмешливо-иронический; издевательский (поострожнее с этим вариантом перевода ART Vancouver); шуточный (e.g., a tongue-in-cheek illustration / explanation / remark, etc. 4uzhoj); юмористический (The magazine published a wonderful tongue-in-cheek review of his latest work. 4uzhoj); сказанный в шутку (A remark intended as a tongue in cheek joke I'm sure, but probably not far from the truth. • Ann made a tongue-in-cheek remark to John, and he got mad because he thought she was serious. 4uzhoj); ироничный (VLZ_58)
.לא רש в шутку (Anglophile); с иронией (Andrey Truhachev)
tongue in cheek: 44 צירופים, 7 נושאים
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