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remuneration [rɪ'mju:nə'reɪʃ(ə)n] נמתח
כלל. вознаграждение (• They demanded adequate remuneration for their work. • In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free flat and a small remuneration. • a remuneration package. OALD. ...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors... $31,000 is a generous remuneration. CCB. Mr Quinn sits on the remuneration committee that decided to cancel bonuses normally awarded to senior executives. IRISH TIMES (2002) New Bridge Street, a management consultancy, advises more than 30 per cent of FTSE 100 companies on executive remuneration. INDEPENDENT (1999) Next year we plan to table a vote on directors ' remuneration whether legislation requires it or not," UTV added. BELFAST TELEGRAPH (2003). Collins Alexander Demidov); заработная плата; оплата; компенсация; оклад; мзда (Anglophile); воздаяние; условия оплаты труда (British English: Someone's remuneration is the amount of money that they are paid for the work that they do. NOUN...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors. Collins – АД); жалованье; заработная плата (AD); материальное возмещение (за работу, услуги и т.п. Vadim Rouminsky); условия оплаты труда (British English: Someone's remuneration is the amount of money that they are paid for the work that they do. NOUN...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors. Collins Alexander Demidov); награждение; возмездие
.בְּנִ жалование
.בַּנק денежное вознаграждение сотрудников
.הבנק денежное содержание (military personnel only)
.חוקי оплата труда
.חשבונ функция вознаграждения; плата за оказанные услуги (Bivan)
.טֶכנו денежное вознаграждение
.כַּלְ гонорар; возмещение; плата (вознаграждение); вознаграждение (гонорар)
.ניהול стоимость работ (Ася Кудрявцева)
.נפט ו вознаграждение (contract Пахно Е.А.)
.עיסוק награда
.פטנטי возмещение убытков
.קרן ה вознаграждение
Gruzovik, .מיושן жалованье
оплата услуг (agreement); содержание; порядок расчётов (Alim_Husseinov)
remunerations payable after: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים