מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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nature reservesמתח
כלל. заповедники (a tract of land managed so as to preserve its flora, fauna, and physical features. NOED. area set aside for the purpose of preserving certain animals, plants, or both. A nature reserve differs from a national park (q.v.) usually in being smaller and having as its sole purpose the protection of nature. endangered species are often kept in reserves, away from the hunters who brought them close to extinction. In the United States, numerous wildlife refuges have served this purpose, especially with respect to birds. Nature reserves are also numerous in Europe, India, Indonesia, and some African countries. The origin of modern nature reserves lies in medieval times, when landowners established game preserves for the protection of animals that they hunted. The idea of protecting animals simply to keep them from dying out did not arise until the 19th century. Britannica Alexander Demidov)
nature reserve
כלל. природоохранная территория (Alexander Demidov); заповедник; природный заказник (ABelonogov); природный заповедник (wiki Alexander Demidov); комплексный заказник (a tract of land managed so as to preserve its flora, fauna, and physical features. COED. The area has been designated a nature reserve. OALD Alexander Demidov); особо охраняемая природная территория (an area of land where the animals and plants are protected • The area has been designated a nature reserve. OALD Alexander Demidov)
.אֵקוֹ природоохранная зона (Andrey Truhachev); природный заповедник (Andrey Truhachev)
.בְּנִ охранная территория; природный резерват
.טֶכנו резерват (a tract of land managed so as to preserve its flora, fauna, and physical features. COED. The area has been designated a nature reserve. Culture: nature reserves [nature reserve nature reserves] Nature conservation areas are areas of the countryside which have special protection under law because they have interesting or unusual wild plants or animals in them. In Britain there are now about 400 national nature reserves and 9000 local nature reserves and marine nature reserves. Many contain species that are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. In addition, some relatively small pieces of land get special protection as sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs) because rare or endangered plants or animals are to be found there, or because they have special geological (= rock) features. There are over 6 000 SSSIs in Britain, many of which are not open to the public. In theory, SSSIs are safe from the threat of commercial development, but this is not always the case in fact. Despite protests, several SSSIs have been lost in recent years to make way for new roads. Nature conservation areas in Britain are managed by English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Countryside Council for Wales and the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland, with the help of local naturalists’ trusts and natural history societies. The US also has many nature preserves. People can visit them for enjoyment or to do scientific research, but must stay on paths and cannot disturb or remove anything. They are not allowed to drive vehicles, camp, hunt or start fires. ^Indiana has 176 nature preserves, more than 23 000 acres (9 300 hectares) in total. A popular type of nature preserve is the wildlife refuge, such as Lake Woodruff Natural Wildlife Refuge in Florida, where John James Audubon once watched and drew birds. There are also many national forests, rivers and seashores, and scenic trails. Many national monuments are also natural areas. They include the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado, Lava Beds in California and Organ Pipe Cactus in Arizona. The US National Park Service is in charge of all of these and cares for the plants, animals and scenery so that they can be enjoyed by the public. OALD Alexander Demidov); природная охраняемая территория
.כַּלְ резервация
.מכשיר естественная охрана
.משאבי заказник
.סוֹצִ национальный парк
природный запас
nature reserves
: 42 צירופים, 18 נושאים
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