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godspeed [gɒdspiːd] נמתח
.מיושן хорошего успеха; исполать (приветствие)
Godspeed [gɒdspiːd] נ
כלל. счастливого пути! (Марчихин); доброго пути! (Марчихин); удачи! (Марчихин); успехов! (Марчихин)
.מיושן, .ספרות пожелание доброй дороги (a hearty Godspeed was extended to all the departing troops); с Богом! (fa158); в добрый путь! (Баян); храни тебя / вас Бог! (пожелание отправляющему в дорогу Vadim Rouminsky)
Godspeed [ˌgɒd'spiːd] עו"ד
.סרקסט скатертью дорога! (Баян); скатертью дорожка! (Баян); перо тебе для равновесия (Баян); флаг тебе в руки (Баян)
Godspeed [ˌgɒd'spiːd] int.
.מיושן, .ספרות легкого пути (As a fellow traveler, I wish you high spirits for your journey and Godspeed along the way.)
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
Godspeed [gɒdspiːd] נ
.מיושן, .ספרות good fortune (a wish for the welfare of a person starting on a journey or venture collinsdictionary.com); used to wish someone good luck when they are setting out on a journey ("Farewell and godspeed," the general said, ending his speech, and then it was time to go. cambridge.org); the wish that the outcome of someone's actions is positive for them (typically someone about to start a journey or a daring endeavor: If she permit you, then godspeed! Tell her I will not interfere. You will go with my blessings. • Godspeed, John Glenn. wiktionary.org); a statement of wishing someone a prosperous journey, or success; success (a wish for the welfare of a person starting on a journey or venture collinsdictionary.com); used in order to wish someone success and safety, especially if they are about to go on a long and dangerous journey (I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed. collinsdictionary.com)
godspeed: 39 צירופים, 4 נושאים
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