מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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что-то вроде
 что-то вроде
כלל. a kind of; of the nature of; of sorts; a sort of; of sorts; a bit of
כלל. in the nature of; of the nature of
.אידיו as close as you'll get
| разговора по душам
 разговор по душам
כלל. heart-to-heart conversation
| беседа
כלל. conversation
| исповедального
כלל. confessionary
| характера
כלל. character
| которую
כלל. who
| вожатый
כלל. streetcar driver
| проводит
כלל. be under way
| ежевечерн
כלל. every evening
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

что-то вродеמתח
Игорь Миг of sorts; kind of like
כלל. a kind of; of in the nature of; a sort of; of sorts (He managed to make a curtain of sorts out of an old sheet. • He repeatedly stabs the block of ice with a tocha – a screwdriver of sorts – to break it in half. 4uzhoj); a bit of (DrHesperus); something akin to (semenozhka); something like; something along the lines of (Sakhalin Energy); something; something of (Pregnancy is something of a roller coaster ride for your body Loran); something on the lines of (4uzhoj); something of (Ремедиос_П); on the lines of (She said something on the lines of "So you don't want to play" or something like that. • The humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow said something on the lines of, 'Give a boy a hammer and everything's a nail.' 4uzhoj)
.אידיו as close as you'll get (JulieMiracle)
.לא רש sort of (q3mi4); sort of like (Никита Лисовский); some sense of (Lyubov_Zubritskaya)
.סְלֶנ sommat (leogames)
in the nature of; of the nature of
что-то вроде разговора по душам, беседа исповедального характера, которую вожатый проводит ежевечерн
: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים