מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. virtual; practical; factual; nonfictional; almost; practic
| выбросы
.ננוטכ blowoff
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
.ביולו HBsAg
пересчте | на
כלל. on
| углекислый газ
 углекислый газ
.נפט ו carbon dioxide gas
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

фактически adj.מתח
на самом деле; по факту
Gruzovik by facts
Игорь Миг in truth; be blunt; pretty much; in the event; in actual practice
כלל. in fact (= на самом деле: The extent of the right to retain the cargo, and the way that this right of retention has to be exercised, is currently not harmonized and substantially depends on the applicable law, and in fact, on the applicable rules of conflict of law.); in reality (I would be his formal wife, but his sister in reality.); actually; in actual fact (This was purely for administrative purposes, however, and in actual fact, such personnel were only deployed for short periods of time and exclusively in emergency situations. Alex_Odeychuk); as good as (the work is as good as done – работа фактически закончена • he as good as promised me • he is as good as fired); as it is; as it does; as they are; as they do; in point of fact; virtually; of fact; effectively; practically; as a matter of fact; as a matter; essentially (Tanya Gesse); for all intents and purposes (Olegus Semerikovus); to all intents and purposes; only too; substantially (I. Havkin); basically (Tamerlane); in practice; deed; in deed and not in name; in all but name (mosq)
.אידיו deep down (Interex)
.אסטרו factual
.לָטִי de facto; in re; ipso facto (Val_Ships)
.מָתֵי really
.סקוטי deed
.עיסוק indeed
.פִילו eminently (Азери)
.פִּרס for all practical purposes; in effect
.רֵטוֹ by fait accompli (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
as such (Alexander Matytsin); for the matter of that; materially; to all intents; in concreto (Khawashka)
фактический adj.
כלל. virtual (а не виртуальный); practical; factual; nonfictional; almost; practic; matter of fact; substantial; true-to-fact (Alexey Lebedev); true to facts (Alexey Lebedev); truthful; empirical (scherfas); actual; real; in fact; operational (реально существующий или действующий); relevant (george serebryakov); effective (Svetozar); matter-of-fact; a matter of fact; a matter-of-fact
.בניית virtual (не номинальный)
.הִתעַ drilled (о траектории скважины igisheva)
.הובלה existent
.כַּלְ working
.לָטִי ex post
.מֵטֵא present
.מָתֵי true
.מיקרו actual (Pertaining to information that shows what has actually occurred. For example, the actual start date for a task is the day that the task actually started)
.פטנטי actual (напр., об изобретателе)
.ציוד net
.קרן ה ex-post
.תִכנו non-formal (о параметре процедуры ssn)
de facto; effective; active; factual report; net (напр., о скорости); physical; operating (Operating voltage, operating conditions); virtual
фактическое adj.
כלל. actual; constructive retirement; actual (акций Lavrov); constructive retirement (акций Lavrov)
фактические adj.
.עיבוד actual dimensions
фактические выбросы в: 14 צירופים, 1 נושאים
מפעלים לעיבוד נפט14