מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. hard-headed; fresh; moderate; realist; realistic; shrewd
| как
כלל. how now
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

трезвый adj.מתח
Игорь Миг unbiased (фиг. / взгляд на вещи и проч.)
כלל. hard-headed; fresh; moderate; realist; realistic; shrewd; teetotal; moderate in drinking; cold-eyed; hard-nosed; tough-minded; staid; cold-eye (Georgy Moiseenko); hardheaded; unflustered (Игорь Primo); cold eyed; hard nosed; tough minded; sober-minded (о суждениях, действиях); clear-eyed (We approach this pretty clear-eyed. – Мы подходим к этому с изрядной долей трезвости (довольно трезво) TheWyld); demure; sober; abstinent; steady; healthy (о взглядах, подходе scherfas); temperate; not drunk
.לא רש straight (по отношению к употреблению любых одурманивающих веществ Баян); who does not drink; teetotaling
.מָתֵי judicious; sound
.מיושן sober (трезвый – непьяный); abstemious; assober; undeluded
.סְלֶנ George; cold sober (Of course, I'm cold sober! Безусловно, я трезв! Interex); dry (Interex); jober as a sudge (as) jober as a sudge: A humorous misstatement of the expression "as sober as a judge" intended to sound like it was pronounced by a drunk person. The phrase is often used to imply that someone is not sober.: Oh yeah, she's as jober as a sudge–I mean, she's up on the stage doing karaoke right now! Interex); sold sober (Comment by Liv Bliss: In case anyone's wondering, this is a spoonerism (like "jober as a sudge"): "I'm not drunk, I'm cone sold sober" (= "stone cold sober") ["I am not under the affluence of incohol, though some thinkle may peep I am"] Interex); clear (Man, is she ever clear. "Чувак, она вообще бывает трезвой?" Interex)
ית;.שפה ק sobe
sober person
трезво עו"ד
כלל. abstemiously (AlexP73); rationally (grafleonov); in perspective (Ремедиос_П); with a cool eye (напр., оценивать Ремедиос_П); soberly (chajnik); soundly; sensibly (grafleonov)
.מיושן temperately
.צִיוּ sensibly
Gruzovik, .צִיוּ soundly
трезв, как
: 11 צירופים, 5 נושאים
לא רשמי3