מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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совещаться vמתח
כלל. confer (I shall confer with him on the safety and conduct of the expedition but immediate authority will rest with him.); confabulate; hold a consultation; meet in council; take council (Franka_LV); talk (Послушайте, мы все посовещались и решили не прибегать к крайним мерам, чтобы сохранить ей жизнь. – So, listen, we've all talked, and we've agreed not to take any extreme measures to save her life. reverso.net); hold counsel; be in session; negotiate with (someone – с кем-либо); deliberate (Franka_LV); be in conference; be in council; commune; hold a consult; debate; impart
.אידיו lay heads together; put heads together
.בית מ confer (с адвокатом: At least on one occasion, Mr. Alkhawaja had to confer with his lawyer in the presence of Military Prosecutor.); deliberate (о суде или присяжных: The jury starts deliberating tomorrow, with alternates. )
.דִיפּ hold consultations
.הומור pow-wow (Andrey Truhachev)
.ווּלג huddle
.כַּלְ sit in conference
.לא רש get together
.מיושן consult; debatement
.משמעו meet (We look forward to seeing the group meet regularly and become more active.)
.עיסוק have a discussion; negotiate
.פּוֹל caucus
.שפה צ pow-wow (MichaelBurov)
be in conference; confer together; take counsel; parley
совещать v
Gruzovik, .מיושן consult on; consult about; confer with; ask advice of
совещаться: 40 צירופים, 5 נושאים
לא רשמי2