מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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сдаться vמתח
Gruzovik give oneself up; lease out (pf of сдаваться); let (pf of сдаваться); rent (pf of сдаваться); pass (pf of сдаваться); give to (pf of сдаваться); diverge (pf of сдаваться); deviate (pf of сдаваться); swerve (pf of сдаваться); turn (pf of сдаваться)
כלל. capitulate; ground arms; give in; give way; strike flag; chuck one's hand in; throw up one's cards; throw up cards; toss in the towel; throw up the game; chuck hand up; lay down arm; make leeway; hand yourself over to (полиции, властям dinchik%)); forfeit (chronik); back down (ssn); cry craven; fling in cards; chuck hand in; rent; break down; crack up; deal (cards); deliver; deviate; diverge; give (to); give oneself up; hire out; lease (out); let; pass; swerve; take an examination; turn in; turn over; turn oneself in (полиции markovka); give oneself up to (to offer yourself/somebody to be captured: After a week on the run he gave himself up to the police. Bullfinch); surrender (surrender at discretion – сдаваться на милость победителя); yield; haul down one's flag; put up hands; turn; crack (sergeidorogan); buckle under (под тяжестью чего-либо; под давлением notilt); lay down one's arms; strike one's flag; give it up (My search was fruitless, and after a while I gave it up and came back lenta2007); give way (прекратить сопротивляться, противиться чему-либо: Then I walked half a mile more to Stretch and Dobree and there at last I gave way and was completely exhausted.); give up (MichaelBurov); in a game. esp. chess resign; be for rent; put up one's hands; back down; roll over (The Spurs used a 19-2 stretch to open a 31-20 lead in the second quarter, but the Jazz didn't roll over. VLZ_58)
.אידיו throw in the towel (When John could stand no more of Mary's bad temper, he threw in the towel and left.); fold one's the tent ("'It was tough to stake them to a two-goal lead,'" Hammond said. ''It would have been easy to fold the tent but we showed a lot of fight... VLZ_58); throw in the sponge (MichaelBurov)
.אמריק yell uncle (VLZ_58); cave (ad_notam)
.אמריק, .לא רש say uncle; cry uncle
.בחירו concede the race (DaryaPrimavera)
.לא רש fold (alia20); cave in; concede (в значении "уступить", например: он долго её уговаривал и она сдалась. Даниил84); it seems; give out; buckle (под давлением, под натиском wandervoegel); be of use (SirReal)
.מיושן, .לא רש appear; seem
.נַוָט lower flag
.סְלֶנ throw in the sponge (towel); toss in the towel (sponge); toss it in; lay down (Interex); toss in the sponge (Interex); give up the goods (Give up the goods, you yellow devil! Dishanzi)
.סִיוּ rebuke
.צִיוּ, .תרגום give up the ghost (Wakeful dormouse)
.צורת fold hands (VLZ_58)
.שַׁחְ resign (A few moves later Karpov resigned. I. Havkin)
Gruzovik, .לא רש be necessary (future tense not used); it seems (pf of сдаваться)
Gruzovik, .מיושן appear (pf of сдаваться); seem (pf of сдаваться)
hand over; lay down arms; loss up the sponge; throw up the sponge; to loss up the sponge; fling up cards; drop one's bundle; give up the to burn one's ships; throw in one's cards; throw in one's hand; toss up the sponge; submit (The Russian leapt out of the ring after forcing McGregor to submit in their match at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas – by J. Staplehurst Tamerlane)
сдать v
выдать; сдать оружие
Игорь Миг run out of gas
כלל. turn in; turn over; put (in storage); bring back; lease; give up; surrender; return; hand in (готовую работу и т. п.: Does anyone have work ready to hand in? • If you'd judged me by the way my face celebrated being the first to hand in my test, you'd think I was on a winning streak. • If we hand in our tests before 9am, we will have the result around 2pm.); cede; relinquish; break down; go to seed (Anglophile); hand over; check (in a coatroom, baggage room, etc.); let (подряд или в аренду); give; give up (В.И.Макаров); yield; fall apart (After the tragedy he just seemed to fall apart. VLZ_58); deliver (готовую работу или изделие, проданный товар и т.п.; также о городе или крепости); pass (экзамен); grass up (кого-либо; to report someone to a person in authority matchin); submit (OLGA P.)
.אחסון give in (oVoD)
.בית ס get by (экзамен); hand (контрольную Dollie); get by with (экзамен); make out at (экзамен); make out (экзамен); pass; pass off (экзамен)
.הִיסט deliver up (крепость и т. п.)
.לא רש, .סְלֶנ Narc out (подельника в обмен на смягчение наказания или освобождение от него.Now you going narc me out cops just so you won't get in trouble? И теперь ты собираешся сдать меня копам, просто чтобы избежать проблем?)
.משחקי weaken; decline (in health); age; of cold, heat, etc. abate; deal (cards)
.סְלֶנ roll on someone, e.g. an accomplice (Tanya Gesse); grass up (You wouldn't grass up an old mate, would you? • Who grassed him up to the police? Alexander Demidov); shop (shop someone to the police wandervoegel); spill guts (Andrey Truhachev); put someone under bus (кого-либо tavost); turn state (подельников органам и давать показания против них в суде (в обмен на смягчение приговора и т.п.) 4uzhoj); turn over (в т.ч. в перен. смысле: He was working here illegally and was terrified that his boss would turn him over to authorities.); drop a dime on (NumiTorum); turn in (что-либо или кого-либо органам); throw someone under the bus (кого-либо tavost); turn in (что-либо или кого-либо полиции и т.д.: His own brother turned him in. • We couldn't decide what to do with the money we found on the side of the road; she said we should turn it in, I said we should keep it. Val_Ships); turn in (выдать Alex_Odeychuk)
.סְלֶנ, .משמעו tip someone off (кому; такой перевод требует уточнения, кого сдают: A betrayed gang member tipped off the police. – Член банды, преданный своими соратниками, сдал их в полицию.)
.סלנג rat out (кого-либо властям: I ain't a fucking snitch. When I die, I can meet my Maker knowing I did not rat people out. — Я не грёбаный стукач. Когда я умру, то смогу встретить своего Создателя, зная, что я никого не сдал. alia20)
.עיסוק lease (an apartment, other property for rent or lease); deliver (a sold item to the buyer); deposit (cash)
.צִיוּ give way (о здоровье); lose it (This artist has lost it. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, .לא רש give out; crack up
ן;.נדל&q let; hire out; let out; rent; put up (в аренду; at)
сдавшийся prtc.
.סְלֶנ one has have had it
: 782 צירופים, 57 נושאים
אכיפת חוק1
אמריקאי שימוש, לא איות4
בניית ספינות2
בריטית שימוש, לא איות2
גס רוח1
הובלה ברכבת1
הוקי קרח1
לא רשמי17
מדיניות חוץ2
מיושן / מתוארך2
מערכות אבטחה1
משאבי אנוש1
נפט וגז1
סחלין ר2
עיסוק נוטריוני6
צורת דיבור5
ציטוטים ואפוריזמים1
תעשיית המלונאות3
תקשורת המונים2
תרגום מסביר1