מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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כלל. property; essential; essential element; requisite; scenery
.טֶכנו properties
.טכנול accessory; attribute; gadget
.קולקט props
| электронного документа
 электронный документ
.טֶכנו electronic document
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

реквизиты נמתח
Gruzovik all the necessary data included in a document; all the necessary details included in a document
כלל. particulars (или contact details: Send your particulars (=details such as your name, address, profession etc) to the address above. Perevod); record details (The screen is split into 2 sections: the search results and the record details of the highlighted record shown in bold (in the above example, Adrian White). | You can ask to see the record details of any of the records in the summary list. If there is more text than will fit on a screen, use the scroll bar to view the rest. | I created a Form to display the record details of a Query. | Our participants were also given specific tasks, which involved them in purposefully viewing the record details of the found items. | Below is the link to the record details of the report. Alexander Demidov); stage props (Alexander Demidov); attribute; company details (Alexander Demidov); corporate details (Alexander Demidov); requisite details (Alexander Demidov); information (банковские реквизиты – banking information Tanya Gesse)
.בַּנק invoice details (olga_ellis); required information (ART Vancouver)
.הִתעַ nameplate
.טכנול gadgets
.כַּלְ requirements (ценной бумаги); requisites (документа)
.לוֹגִ requisitions
.ניירו identity (Alexander Matytsin)
.סחלין details (реквизиты счета; account details)
.עיסוק prerequisites
.תִכנו access credentials (Konstantine_12)
details; requisite elements; essential elements; references (Alex Lilo); reference details (Alexander Demidov); requisites; administrative details (пример – administrative details of the XXX for the purposes of the Agreement Bigor); statement of particulars (Ася Кудрявцева); contact information (Zen1); details (account details; банковского счета)
реквизит נ
Gruzovik essential at (one's) disposal; requisite at (one's) disposal; essentials at (one's) disposal; requisites at (one's) disposal
כלל. stage property; stage-properties; stage requisites; stage props (Alexander Demidov); particular (Vadim Rouminsky); tag (Alexander Demidov)
.טֶכנו properties
.טכנול accessory; attribute; gadget
.צִיוּ paraphernalia (A.Rezvov)
.קולקט props; the props
.תיאטר props (The Prop Master frequently admonished Dave for dismissing the talent without returning props, weapon included, or failing to make safety announcements cnn.com)
.תקשור prop
property; essential; essential element; requisite; scenery (ivvi); movie prop (Kahula); property
 רוסית אוצר מילים
реквизиты נ
כלל. в праве - данные, которые должны содержаться в акте или ином документе напр., чеке, векселе для признания его действительным напр., название документа, сумма, подлежащая оплате, наименование плательщика. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
тафсилотлар (NodiraSaidova)
реквизит נ
כלל. вещи подлинные и бутафорские, необходимые актёрам по ходу действия спектакля. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
реквизит электронного
: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים