מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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כלל. go; take course; spread; elapse; traverse; undergo
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כלל. index
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
.ביולו HBsAg
противошрстном | направлении
כלל. direction
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

פועל | פועל | צירופים
проходить vמתח
пройти; числиться; фигурировать
Gruzovik walk for a certain time (pf of прохаживать); of garments, footwear wear for a certain time (pf of прохаживать)
כלל. go; take course; spread; elapse (о времени); traverse (a route or path); undergo (treatment, training, etc.); pervade (по, через); pierce; sink; overpass; reeve; pass away (о времени); blow over; get by; get over (расстояние); pass on; penetrate into; penetrate through; penetrate to; roll by (о времени и т. п.); roll on (о времени и т. п.); wear off (the effect of the medicine will wear off in a few hours – лекарство перестанет действовать через несколько часов); transit; overgo; penetrate; percolate; slip by (о времени); wear on (о времени); get by (осмотр); get through; get under; live through (Aly19); run its course (о болезни-не столько в результате лечения, сколько само собой; пример: The doctor said I just had to stay in and rest until bronchitis ran it's course Alex Lilo); clear up (о болезни, инфекции Slavik_K); already tried (triumfov); sweep past; go away (pains; side effects: "Tell the doctor about any side effects that do not go away." musichok); come in (Юрий Гомон); power through (Баян); cleave (Pippy-Longstocking); get old (Resentment gets old( чувство обиды проходит) Kate&Kate); get by with (мимо); get past; make (какое-либо расстояние); take place (происходить); flow away (ssn); pass off (об ощущениях и т. п.); pass (with мимо, by); cover (a certain distance); lapse (об интересе и т. п.); skirt; pass along; roll; go by (о времени); communicate (через что-либо: They also require external wiring communicating through the spray nozzle assemblies.===Они также требуют внешней электропроводки, проходящей через распылительные сопловые узлы. Svetozar); extend (I. Havkin); do (определённое расстояние); get through (о законопроекте); of news, etc go round; of news, etc travel; of pain, etc be over; of pain, etc abate; let up (о боли и т. п.); of pain, etc stop; wear for a certain time; drift; endure; experience; filter through; fit through; go off; go past; leak through; miss; turn out; undertake (undertake training – проходить обучение Stas-Soleil); defile (о войсках); evanish; fall in (о куске); walk (along, by, past, through); lift (об облаках, тумане и т.п.); march; run (препятствие); be adopted; be approved; take; break; draw (о воде); be underway (в данное время: E3 2017 is arguably the biggest event in the gaming industry calendar, and it's underway right now in Los Angeles. 4uzhoj); take place (о датах мероприятий: с ... по ...: This year's show – the 54th annual one – takes place February 21 to 25 at the Millennium Centre. ART Vancouver); fall low (о куске); fleet; flit; forego; impure (о войсках); go in; lapsing (о сроке); move up; pad; bring to pass; perambulate; run away; scud; slip on; thread (сквозь что); vanish; wade; wander; wander over; wander through; wear; wear out (о времени); weir; go right past (inadvertently); fit into (with в + acc.); walk the length of (e.g. a street); extend; stop; be held; proceed; be accepted; carry (of a proposal or motion); complete (a course); clear (customs); pass between (smb., smth., ме́жду кем-л., чем-л.)
.אידיו be down that this road before (I have been down that road before – Я уже это проходил Гевар)
.אסטרו run
.בְּנִ drive (забой)
.בקרת pass (by/through)
.גֵאוֹ deepen (ствол); pass (о границе чего-либо, напр., чинка, обрыва Bauirjan); thread
.דִיפּ proceed (о визите и т.п.)
.הידרו sink (колодец)
.הנדסה duct; travel (путь)
.הנדסת advance
.טֶכנו raise; cross; learn; propagate (о сигнале); traverse through; move; pass through; cut (подземную выработку); sink (вертикальную подземную выработку)
.טורפד pass (by/through/over/along); go (by/through/over/along); walk (by/through/over/along)
.טכנול propagate; travel
.כְּרִ thirl; hole (выработку); sink (шахтный ствол); win (выработку); put down
.כַּלְ pass (испытание, досмотр)
.לא רש cool down (контекстуальный перевод her enthusiasm for the work has cooled down – её увлечённость работой прошла VadZ); work (as); study (a subject); be employed (as); walk (for a certain length of time)
.מָתֵי assume; be in progress; go through; run across; run from ... into; take on; take place; become
.מיושן efflux (о времени)
.מכשיר passage
.נַוָט run in; make good; reeve (о тросе); underrun (под); cruise (о судне: As the MS Koningsdam cruised under the Lions Gate Bridge early Sunday morning, it’s wasn’t just carrying 1,200 passengers and 900 crew, but hope for renewal for Vancouver’s beleaguered tourism industry. globalnews.ca ART Vancouver); range; make one's way (*make ONE'S way*:: проходил под мостом – The driver of a small pleasure boat cut between the tug and a barge fully loaded with fuel it was pulling as it was making its way under the Lions Gate Bridge. ART Vancouver); render
.נדיר underrun; pervade (через что-либо)
.נפט/נ drive (горизонтальную выработку); penetrate (при бурении)
.סְלֶנ fly (nazick)
.סייסמ move (расстояние)
.פיזיק, радиоакт. traverse (расстояние в веществе); penetrate (a distance in a given substance, said of a particle, расстояние в веществе); pass (a material, said of a particle or electromagnetic radiation, вещество)
.רְפוּ permeate (сквозь); subside; resolve (MargeWebley)
.רִשְׁ proceed (to – в: If you do not have a propane tank, please proceed to the store. If you have a propane tank, please leave it here at the cage. Do not bring it into the store! ART Vancouver)
.תְעוּ pass
.תִכנו be over (говоря о цикле Alex_Odeychuk)
.תעשיי pierce (сквозь что-либо)
.תקשור go on (oleg.vigodsky)
Gruzovik, .לא רש work as for a certain time (pf of прохаживать); be employed as for a certain time (pf of прохаживать); study (impf of пройти)
радиоакт. travel (расстояние в веществе); traverse (вещество)
cover (You didn't cover this at school, though, did you? OLGA P.); go through (оплата прошла; Mastercard didn't go through but the Amex did – платеж по карте Mastercard не прошел а по Amex прошел tripadvisor.co.uk Goplisum); run (о времени); draw (напр., штрек); get in; pass over; progress; sift (о пыли, снеге и т.п.); silt; be under way; transmit; trickle (тж. back, out, through); come through; review (какую-либо тему на уроке Гера); be registered as (Анна Ф); cover (расстояние); undergo (напр. ремонт); blow over (о грозе, буре); clear up (о болезни); come by; get along (о времени); get through (в парламент); go away; go off (гладко, успешно); go on (о времени); go through (какие-либо этапы); develop; intervene (о времени); march on (о времени, событиях); march out (плавно, величаво; о неодушевлённых объектах); march up (плавно, величаво; о неодушевлённых объектах); melt away (о гневе и др. чувствах); pass away; pass off; percolate through; put down (шахту и т. п.); roll by (о времени); roll on (о времени); run on (о времени); trickle back; trickle out; trickle through; wear away; wear down; wear off; wear out; tick away (о времени); traverse
מחש. route
проходиться v
כלל. wear for a certain time; go away; elapse; sink; abate; do; drift; endure; experience; filter through; fit through; go off; go through; leak through; make (a certain distance); stop; turn out; undergo (training, etc); walk for a certain time; pass; be adopted; be approved; be employed (as); be over; cover; go (by); take; drive
.לא רש study; work (as)
проходите! v
Игорь Миг step back!
כלל. get along!; hurry on now!; move along!; pass on please!; move on!
.מִשׁט keep moving! (Andrey Truhachev)
проходите v
כלל. hurry along now!; go right through ("Go right through, sir," the secretary said. "The General will be along in a moment". 4uzhoj); come on in (внтурь дома и т.п. 4uzhoj); move along, please!
.לא רש be my guest (said by a person at a door to someone moving towards the door to let him/her through VLZ_58); go on (VLZ_58)
проходи! v
כלל. get by!
проходя v
while passing
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