מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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принимающий гостейמתח
כלל. entertainer
принимать гостей
כלל. be at home; entertain; do the honors of the house; receive company; do the honors of the feast; do the honours of the feast; entertain one's guests (her brother's friends, etc., и т.д.); act as host; hostess; give a party; take in guests (в гостинице и т. п.); feel at home; host a reception; give entertainment; have a party; do the honours of the house; have visitors (Andrey Truhachev); accept the guests (Soulbringer); host guests (to have a detail that can spark conversation is great, when you are hosting guests Татьян); do the honours (КГА); receive guests (В.И.Макаров); receive visitors (В.И.Макаров); host; receive; have over (I'm having Tim over tonight – сегодня Тим придёт в гости мадина юхаранова); act host; welcome visitors (Ivan Pisarev)
.דִיפּ make up a party
entertain guests; give party; be at home; play as host; receive much company
принимать гостя
כלל. take in
принимающий гостей: 29 צירופים, 5 נושאים