מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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Gruzovik learn for a while; study for a while; do a bit of studying
כלל. do a bit of studying; learn; study for a while; figure out (Сузанна Ричардовна); take time to study something (Сузанна Ричардовна)
.אידיו take a page from someone's book (у кого-то Andrey Truhachev); take a leaf from someone's book (у кого-то Andrey Truhachev); take a leaf out of someone's book (у кого-то Andrey Truhachev)
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Gruzovik teach for a while; study for a while; give a bit of instruction in; give a few tips on; do some teaching; learn for a while
כלל. study (for a while); teach (for a while); give a bit of instruction (in); give a few tips (on); learn; study for a while; teach for a while
.לא רש, .דיאלק punish; teach; give a good lesson
Gruzovik, .דיאלק punish
Gruzovik, .לא רש give a good lesson; teach a good lesson
поучиться: 5 צירופים, 4 נושאים
מיושן / מתוארך1