מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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Gruzovik exterminate all or a number of (pf of перетравливать); poison all or a number of (pf of перетравливать); hunt down all or a number of (pf of перетравливать); bring to bay all or a number of (pf of перетравливать); etch all or a number of (pf of перетравливать); ruin during etching (pf of перетравливать); exterminate all or a number of (pf of перетравливать)
כלל. hunt down; poison (all or a number of); ruin during etching; bring to bay (all or a number of)
.דיאלק damage (all the crops, etc); trample down
.טֶכנו overetch
Gruzovik, .דיאלק of cattle, etc trample down all the crops, etc; of cattle, etc damage all the crops, etc (pf of перетравливать)
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כלל. exterminate; hunt down; poison (all or a number of); ruin during etching; bring to bay (all or a number of)
.דיאלק damage (all the crops, etc); trample down
.לא רש poison oneself (of all or many)
Gruzovik, .לא רש poison oneself of all or many (pf of перетравливаться)
перетравить: 2 צירופים, 1 נושאים