מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. ignominious; bletcherous; hated; unsavoury
.אוסטר .סְלֶנ would kill a brown dog
.הפקרו cock-sucking; mothering
.נפט/נ miserable
| политические
כלל. political
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

отвратительный adj.מתח
Gruzovik grim
Игорь Миг unsavory
כלל. ignominious (Nikolov); bletcherous; hated; unsavoury; disgusting; abhorrent; accursed; accurst; detestable; execrable; foul (She's in a foul mood. cambridge.org); loathsome; chronic; heinous; hideous; odious; brackish; brutal; carrion; cursed; curst; damned (часто употр. для усиления); filthy; ghoulish; gruesome; hateful; hellish; morbid; nameless; nasty; nauseous; noisome; offensive; pestilential (These pestilential flies give me no peace – Эти мерзкие мухи не дают мне покоя); poisonous; putrid; rank; repugnant; revolting; sickening; unclean; verminous; vile; villainous; brinish; hateable; ill-looking; laidly; nauseating; unedifying; awful; bestial; flagitious; horrid; ill-favored; shocking; slimy; sordid; abominable; god-awful (vogeler); of the blackest deepest dye; disgustful; yuckee (gaana.com sarayli); gross (You know that ad with the gross toenail? ART Vancouver); creepy (Vadim Rouminsky); confounded; distasteful; forbidding; fulsome; hagged; haggish; hell-hated; infamously bad; loathful; loth; mawkish; ghastly (Taras); desperate; infamous; lurid; obnoxious; squalid; unspeakable; unwholesome; abysmal; disgraceful (Mermaiden); appalling (State-run restaurants offer appalling food and service, according to tourists who visited the island. ART Vancouver); opprobrious (напр., о человеке joyand); ugly (тж. о ситуации, как и "неприглядный" Баян); repulsive (triumfov); deeply repulsive (triumfov); ill favored; ill favoured; ill looking; grueling; repellent; regurgitated (Alex1888); noxious (Taras); terrible; very bad; despicable (Taras); gut-wrenching (Taras); shuddersome (Alex_Marukov); shoddy (Bullfinch); hard on eyes (ugly КГА); seamy (Екатерина Лебедева); godawful (Oxiplegatz)
.אוסטר festy (Stanislav_Bulgakov)
.אוסטר, .סְלֶנ as ugly as a hatful of arseholes; cow (о человеке или вещи); deadshit; grotty; yukky
.אידיו too rich for one's blood (Баян)
.אמריק hellacious; creepy (Часто употребляются такие выражения как: creepy mom • creepy husband Dyatlova Natalia); ball-busting (Taras); fugly (Taras)
.אמריק, .לא רש ornery
.אמריק, .סְלֶנ gross (Picking your nose is really a gross habit Aviator)
.גס רו lousy; snotty (kee46)
.דרום sif (Aly19)
.הפקרו cock-sucking; mothering; mother fucking
.ווּלג crum; crumb; crummy; hell around; hell; shitty; you-know-where; manky; yacky; cunty (nicknicky777)
.לא רש rubbish (In London, the FM reception is absolute rubbish, due to the huge number of FM stations, both legal and illegal crowding the band. 4uzhoj); atrocious; rotten; damnable; dreadful; horrible; stinking; grotty (What's this grotty stuff they serve here? – Что за гадость они здесь подают? Taras); miserable; evil; beastly
.מיושן depulsory; lothe; lothful; lothly; lothsome; mawmish; nefandous; odible; repulsory; whoreson (igisheva)
.נפט/נ miserable (о запахе)
.סְלֶנ gee (This is just too gee! Это так отвратительно! Interex); crumby; faust; off-putting; vomity; twerpy (КГА); fierce; yucky; bugly (Vitusa); icky ("The food is really icky in the school cafeteria." Franka_LV); icky-poo (Interex); ripe (Interex); scuzzy (Interex); shag-nasty (Interex); skeevy (Interex); skrungy (Interex); sleazoid (Interex); slummy (Interex); snottie (Interex); wenchy (Interex); whenchy (Interex); suck dead gophers (Barbos); sucky (Artjaazz); scumbaggy (VLZ_58)
.ספרות loathly
.סקוטל foustie (КГА)
.צִיוּ horror-show (plushkina)
.רְפוּ revulsive
.רִשְׁ deplorable (VLZ_58)
.תַקִי ridiculous (Really nice place but traffic is ridiculous. Trying to go anywhere after 3pm is an adventure in itself. I had assumed that the four year long construction project at the north end of the bridge was supposed to fix the traffic problem but that didn't happen. ART Vancouver); hanging
ill-favoured; of the deepest dye; sickly; abomination; of the blackest dye; wretched; execratory; obscene
что-либо отвратительное adj.
.לא רש atrocity
.סְלֶנ mung (Interex); yuck (Interex)
отвратительное adj.
כלל. dunghill
отвратительныйчеловек, предмет adj.
.סְלֶנ pukey (Interex); pukoid (Interex)
о пище отвратительный adj.
.אוסטר, .סְלֶנ would kill a brown dog
кто-либо отвратителен adj.
.סְלֶנ yuck (Interex)
something отвратительный adj.
.תַקִי hell of a (см. helluva, hellova)
отвратительные политические: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים