מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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.תְעוּ Hold position
כלל. off
כלל. stop; stay; boggle; put up; check; halt
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- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

פועל | פועל | צירופים
остановиться vמתח
остановиться у; остановиться на ночь; остановиться у обочины; остановиться на
כלל. stop (в частности, в гостинице); stay (в гостинице, у друзей и т.п.); boggle; put up; check; halt (во время движения, похода: The tanks then halted for the Japanese infantry to catch up. • The hikers halted for lunch and some rest. dimock); stand; call at (где-либо); draw up; fetch up; haul up; run down (о машине, часах и т. п.); leave off (By the looks of it, we will have to pick up where we left off in tomorrow's meeting.); stand still; make a pause; check oneself; rein up (тж. перен.); bring up; stop doing (делать что-либо Andrey Truhachev); decide (on); concentrate (on); discontinue; fall (on); fix (on); be put out of action; restrain; settle (on); shut down; stop at; deter; zero in on (на ч.-либо; I went through a couple of review sites and zeroed in on this lens. Халеев); give out (о сердце или механизме: Severely weakened, Chester's heart gave out forever the next day. • When the new Bloomer school building was constructed in 1924, it included an electric clock, but the clock gave out and was removed. 4uzhoj); anchor; be idle (о машине, механизме); lodge (падая); sit down; make a stand; make a stop; dwell on (a subject, details, etc.); settle on; decide on; note smth. officially (triumphantly, ironically, impassionately, perfunctorily, simultaneously, etc., на чём-л.); keep from; keep sb. from (sth.)
.אמריק can; stop off; stop over; roll to a stop (об автомобиле Val_Ships)
.בניית bring herself to rest (о судне)
.דיאלק, .מיושן hack (подыскивая нужное слово)
.הנדסת, .מיושן become inoperative
.התעמל get stuck
.טֶכנו stop; seize up (о механизме или системе)
.לא רש wait up (чтобы кто-либо другой не отстал); skip a beat (george serebryakov)
.מָתֵי be cut off; be terminated; cease; come to an end; concentrate on; dwell on; end; go into; terminate; pause
.מיושן disadvance
.מכוני pull up (о машине и др. транспорте; тж. в знач. "остановить машину": At 2:30 am Saturday morning, a car pulled up outside the gate and parked. • The car pulled up in front of the hotel. • The train pulled up at the station. • Today, while driving, we pulled up at a set of traffic lights next to a huge truck with live animals inside. • Pull up at the red light! • The driver pulled up at the entrance.); brake to a halt (Гевар); pull aside (в знач. "остановить машину на обочине дороги": Police say the victim was driving along Giley's Road, Cunupia, around 11pm on Tuesday, when he pulled aside to relieve himself. 4uzhoj); pull over (в знач. "остановить машину на обочине дороги": He pulled over to help a truck on the side of the road. • A man was carjacked in Arkansas on Thursday after he pulled over to check on a female pedestrian in apparent distress. • He pulled over to the shoulder and I pulled in behind him. 4uzhoj); come to arrest (об автомобиле Анастасия Беляева)
.נַוָט bring to (о судне); rest; thole; thowel; thowl
.סְלֶנ real cheese; cheese; pig it; give up the ghost (о механизмах: The old Rob gave up the ghost. == Старина Роб отдал Богу душу. The engine turned over a few times and gave up the ghost. == Мотор сделал парочку оборотов и заглох.)
.סייסמ come to rest (осадка сооружения)
.ספרות, .צִיוּ alight (to descend from or as if from the air and come to rest: Now when he had reached the King's capital wherein was Alaeddin, he alighted at one of the Kháns; and, when he had rested from the weariness of wayfare, he donned his dress and went down to wander about the streets.)
.צִיוּ draw bridle; draw rein; rein back; stop (with пёред, at)
.צִיוּ, .תרגום give up the ghost (о моторе, машине, механизме)
.צורת miss a beat (I felt that TJ Brodie was probably one of the best players on the ice, both teams included. He was just flying. He never missed a beat. (...ни на минуту не останавливался.) VLZ_58)
.תְעוּ skid to a halt (при взлёте Val_Ships)
.תַחְב come to a stand; come to a stop; come to a halt
come to a full stop; come to a standstill; come to rest; come to stop; run in (на станции); stop in one's tracks; come to halt; be brought to a stand; bring to a stand; fix on (на чём-либо); pitch upon (на чём-либо); plump for (где-либо); pull in; put up at (в гостинице); settle on (на чём-либо); settle upon (на чём-либо)
остановить v
כלל. give one a check (кого-л.); give one a private check (кого-л.); put an end to (что-л.); bring something moving to a stop; stop smb.'s going (smb.'s coming, smb.'s leaving, etc., кого́-л.); call off; do away with; keep sb. from (sth.); keep from; bring to stop; arrest; can; check (напр., пожар) By night the westward progress of this fire was checked at Octavia Street. 4uzhoj); halt; immobilize; intercept; stay; bring to rest (экипаж и т. п.); hold up; pull up; rein up (лошадь); outwind; waylay (для разговора); bring to a stand; bring to a stop; put a stop to (что-либо); put to a stand; stanch; bring to a halt; stymie (Both the Russian government and MRSK management have spoken about privatization of regional grid companies, but the process has been stymied by delays in transitioning to a regulatory asset-based tariffs system, or RAB, which is more attractive to investors because it gives a precisely known return on investments. TMT Alexander Demidov); intermit (ся); staunch (кровь); bring to halt; flag down (особ. попутку или такси, но также и в знач. "приказать остановиться": A teenage rape victim was attacked again after she flagged down a car to get help. • A patrol flagged down a car travelling towards Newtownbutler on the road from Clones, driven by a local man.); set back (движение); head somebody off (кого-либо КГА); stand (rewision); stop in tracks (The memo was supposed to stop the protest in its tracks. // The last two shots in the head would have stopped him in his tracks and were likely the last fired. 4uzhoj); concentrate (on); fix (on); interrupt; nark; bring up short (He was just starting to argue when her scream brought him up short. VLZ_58); bring an end (to something) в значении "положить конец" 4uzhoj); put a halt on (Viola4482); put on hold (MargeWebley); put a stop (что-либо Secretary); take aback (о судне с прямым парусным вооружением под некурсовым порывом ветра SergMesch); rein in (лошадь В.И.Макаров); bring to (ся)
.אידיו put a check upon (The store hired a guard to put a check on shoplifting Alexsword92); put the brakes on (to slow down or stop an activity (Cambridge Dictionary): A neighbourhood group opposing the proposed high-density development is calling for city hall to put the brakes on the planning process for a year, to wait for those technical studies. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
.אמריק stall; put the skids on (работу над чем-либо; They put the skids on the project when they refused to give us any more money. Val_Ships)
.אסטרו snag
.בְּנִ throw out of motion
.גַנָנ suppress disease (развитие инфекции typist)
.דִיפּ bring to a standstill; put a halt to (to put a halt to the violence in the region 4uzhoj)
.דִיפּ, .לא רש gravel (докладчика, оратора)
.הִתעַ put out (машину, установку); throw out of motion (машину)
.הובלה put out of action
.הוקי stop (the game, игру); catch (мяч); call (игру; call for tripping – остановка в связи с удалением за подножку HARagLiAMov)
.טֵלֶו brake
.טֶכנו stop
.כְּרִ put to stand
.לא רש waylay (для разговора и т.п.)
.מָתֵי shut down; cease; discontinue; suspend; terminate; restrain; concentrate (on); deter; fix (on)
.מיושן disadvance
.מכוני lay off (машину); shut; pull up (машину, лошадь, экипаж: The driver pulled the car up at the curb.)
.נַוָט bring to (судно); bring up (судно); heave to (судно); shoot to (судно)
.סְלֶנ flag (кого-то); kill; open; scrub (особенно спортивное состязание); do away (Yeldar Azanbayev)
.ספרות thwart (to stop something from happening or someone from doing something; to prevent something from happening (Cambridge Dictionary): Remarkably, Eshed revealed that President Trump had been poised to reveal this information to the public, but was thwarted when the 'Galactic Federation,' which presumably governs intelligent species in the galaxy, intervened and requested that such a disclosure not occur. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
.עיסוק void; stop (e.g., payment of a check)
.פִּיו stay (кого-либо от каких-либо действий)
.צִיוּ rein in; hit the brakes (с чем-либо hora)
.רְפוּ suppress (кровотечение и т.п.)
.תקשור zap
rein back (лошадь); do stop (Yeldar Azanbayev); blow out; come to a stand; put a stop to something (что-либо); put an end to something (что-либо); bring to a halt (резко); shut down (машину, станок)
остановитесь! v
כלל. leave off!; stop!
остановись! v
כלל. off; pull up, coachman!
Остановился v
.תְעוּ Holding (типовое сообщение по связи)
«остановить» v
.תקשור Stop (кнопка в диалоговом окне лазерного проигрывателя (CD Player), Windows 98, прекращает воспроизведение)
остановись v
כלל. dial it down (NumiTorum)
Остановитесь v
.תְעוּ Hold position (типовое сообщение по связи)
остановить выполнение команды v
.תקשור cancel (многие диалоговые окна имеют кнопку Cancel, нажатие на неё вызывает исчезновение окна с экрана без выполнения каких-либо действий)
: 1080 צירופים, 84 נושאים
אמריקאי שימוש, לא איות9
בריאות ובטיחות תעסוקתית1
בריטית שימוש, לא איות3
הובלה ברכבת2
הוקי קרח5
טכנולוגית מידע1
יחסי ציבור1
לא מאשרים1
לא רשמי24
מדיניות חוץ1
מיושן / מתוארך3
מכשירי חשמל רפואיים1
מנופח \\ יהיר1
נפט וגז3
סלנג של מתבגרים1
עיסוק נוטריוני1
פיזיקה גרעינית1
צורת דיבור5
ציטוטים ואפוריזמים4
קלישאה / מוסכמה1
ראוי ופיגורטיבי2
רכבים משוריינים2
שדות שמן1
שירותי מודיעין ואבטחה1
שפה צבאית1
תנועה בכביש1
תעשיית האנרגיה2
תעשיית המלונאות3
תעשיית עיסת נייר1
תקשורת המונים16