מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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Gruzovik fill with (pf of наполняться); be filled with (pf of наполняться)
כלל. fill out; fill up; impregnate; charge; inflate; stuff; imbue; be filled (with); suffuse
.אמריק well up (слезами; Her eyes welled up with tears. Val_Ships); well over (чем-либо: my eyes welled over with tears Val_Ships)
.צִיוּ inundate; become infused (with sth. – чем-л.: President of Genesis Apologetics, Dan Biddle, Ph.D., is the executive producer of a new film about Noah's Ark and the biblical flood. In the first half, he shared his view about what happened during this worldwide cataclysmic flood (...) and his biblical interpretation. The flood was God's plan to reset humanity, which had become infused with an evil nature, he explained. -- заново воссоздать человечество, которое наполнилось греховной природой (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, .ספינו belly (of a sail)
наполнить v
Gruzovik stuff (pf of наполнять); suffuse (pf of наполнять); fill (pf of наполнять)
כלל. top up (бокал и т.п.; =replenish: Can I top up your glass of wine? • Provided there was someone to top up her gin glass, she could play Bobby Shaftoe on the piano for five straight days. 4uzhoj); cram with (чем-либо sea holly); overwhelm with (чем-л.); charge; imbue; impregnate; inform; inundate; trig; fill out; fill up; inspire (Александр Рыжов); resound; inflate; stuff; flush; stow; suffuse; saturate (Happy memories saturated his mind. // обычно требует замены грамматической конструкции (наполниться) 4uzhoj); provide content for (e.g. колонка журнала Tanya Gesse)
.לא רש line
.סְלֶנ shoot one's wad
.צִיוּ infuse (to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality (Cambridge Dictionary) | fill; pervade (Oxford Dictionary): The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism. (Cambridge Dictionary) -- наполнил мир оптимизмом • Her work is infused with an anger born of pain and oppression. (Oxford Dictionary) -- Её работы наполнены ... ART Vancouver)
make out (что-либо до нужного количества, объёма); top up
наполниться: 126 צירופים, 15 נושאים
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לא רשמי2
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מערכות כיבוי וכיבוי אש1