מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. back channel (A means by which actions, especially in government and diplomacy, are carried out secretly rather than through regular avenues of communication. AHD Alexander Demidov); backchannel (1A secondary or covert route for the passage of information: the agency offered a reliable backchannel to Washington [AS MODIFIER]: backchannel briefings MORE EXAMPLE SENTENCES Secret White House backchannels (discovered from recently released White House tapes) are used to support the book's contention. In a sense, he is right that backchannels always exist and always will. A friend calls my weblog ‘the backchannel to my brain', and in a way, it is. 2 Psychology A sound or gesture made to give continuity to a conversation by a person who is listening to another. EXAMPLE SENTENCES Amongst these are what have been characterised in the literature as backchannels, minimal response or receipt tokens, and include items such as Yeah, Oh, Right, and Great. OD Alexander Demidov)
.טֶכנו rear entrance; back entrance
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