מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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в процессе
 в процессе
כלל. while; under; in process; as part of the process; amid; in the course of
כלל. when in use
.אמריק afoot
.גֵאוֹ in progress
.לא רש in the pipe
| возведения здания
 возведение здания
כלל. improvement
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

в процессеמתח
Игорь Миг amid; in the pipeline
כלל. while (learn while working – учиться в процессе работы Stas-Soleil); under; in process; as part of the process (В процессе согласования = As part of the approval process. The FDA inspects the facilities where the drug will be manufactured as part of the approval process. | ... you around the school so remember to ask questions and engage with them, they may be asked for their opinions as part of the process. Alexander Demidov); in the course of (+ gen.); along the line (= down the line TarasZ); on foot; on the job (Alex_Odeychuk); in the process of (ABelonogov); in course of (совершения действия); in the act; over the course of (I. Havkin); down the line (то есть в некоторый момент на протяжении процесса; 1. We'll make a decision on that further down the line. – Мы примем решение по этому далее в процессе. 2. Somewhere down the line a large amount of money went missing. – Где-то в процессе бесследно пропала большая сумма денег. TarasZ); on the way (напр., перехода от одной стадии к другой maystay); in the act of (4uzhoj); pending (bigmaxus); during (в процессе и после = during and after Alexander Demidov); halfway through (I am halfway through with this task. 4uzhoj); over (Nadia U.)
.אמריק afoot (разработки плана, решения: a plan is afoot to build a new school Val_Ships)
.בריטי in train (выполнения kee46)
.גֵאוֹ in progress
.טורפד in the course of (..., ...); during (...); during the process of (...); during the progress of (...)
.לא רש in the pipe (вопрос решается q3mi4); I'm working on it (4uzhoj); as you go along (VLZ_58)
.מַדָע during something (чего-либо igisheva)
.מָתֵי the fact that nonzeros are generated in the course of; during the progress; gauss Gaussian elimination is a complicating factor
.מחקר during steps of (igisheva)
.עיבוד working on it (Alex_Odeychuk)
.פְּסִ in
when in use (применения); in-flight (The termination process is already in-flight; in-flight projects YuliaG)
в процессе возведения здания
: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים