מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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כלל. rampant; whirlwind; effusive; riotous; foul; angry
כלל. abandoned; demonstrative
| кратковременная
כלל. short
| эмоция
כלל. emotion
| возникающая
כלל. nascent
| как правило
 как правило
כלל. primarily
| в ответ на
 в ответ на
כלל. pursuant to
| сильный раздражитель
 сильный раздражитель
.פִּרס intensive stimulus
| О
.סְלֶנ double
| юридическом
כלל. of law
| аспекте состояния
 аспект состояния
.תִכנו state aspect
| аффекта
.רְפוּ emotion
| см
.גיאופ mhos
| Душевное волнение
 душевное волнение
כלל. emotion
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

бурный adj.מתח
Gruzovik torrential; hectic; eventful; vigorous
כלל. rampant (Liv Bliss); whirlwind (VLZ_58); effusive; riotous; foul; angry; violent (of passions, one's temperament. etc.); stormy (of the sea); storm; boisterous; blusterous; blustery; heavy (о море); turbulent (of a river); wild; tempestuous; rough (о море); rousing; dirty; exuberant (April May); gusty (о погоде); headlong; impetuous; roaring; rude (о море); rugged; squally; volcanic (о темпераменте и т. п.); a-go-go; ahum; burbly; high-wrought; hog-wild; surgy (о море); roily (о волнах); uproarious; tumultuous (of applause); unruly; torrid (a torrid love scene • (British) He had a torrid time out there on the racetrack. thefreedictionary.com, ldoceonline.com Anglophile); go ahead; high wrought; hog wild; lickety split; frenzied; knockabout (о представлении); nasty (о море); inordinate (Азери); energetic (о реакции и т. п. I. Havkin); frenetic; bustling (bustling activity VLZ_58); brisk (Tamerlane); blowing; heated (CrazyMC); vivacious (levmoris); storming (Abysslooker); blustering; unpeaceful; warm; wilds; hectic (of time, a day, etc.); frantic (of activity); furious; rapid (of growth, development, etc.); rumbustious; raucous (Ремедиос_П); vociferous ("A few days after NBC decided to cancel time-traveling adventure drama Timeless, the network changed its mind and renewed the series for a second season, thanks in part to a vociferous fan campaign…. – USA Today, 17 July 2017 VLZ_58); yeasty (In that yeasty time in the mid-sixties when I went to work as a reporter in Paris, the world was about to pop. –Raymond Sokolov, [2]Why We Eat What We Eat VLZ_58); fervent (fervent imagination VLZ_58)
.אִירו windy
.בְּנִ turbulent
.גידול tempestous (dimock)
.דִיפּ impassioned
.חַקלָ wanton (о росте растений)
.טֶכנו rapid
.טכנול explosive
.ייצור exuberant (о жидкости)
.לא רש keyed up (Yeldar Azanbayev); lickety-split; tearing; a-go-go (о темпе движении и т. п.)
.מֵטֵא inclement (о погоде)
.מיושן nimbose; procellous
.נַוָט tossing; troubled; ugly; rough (о погоде, море); running high; wild (о море)
.סְלֶנ rambunctious
.ספרות procellous (о море)
.עיבוד heavy
.צִיוּ brawling (Vadim Rouminsky); highly charged (об обсуждении: "страсти накалились, страсти кипели": Following two days of highly charged public hearings, Vancouver Coastal Health says it will “not be moving forward with a stand-alone supervised consumption site” in Richmond after all. The council meeting was peppered with shouting by some of the attendees, who cried out “no drugs” and “shame on you,” while several councillors rebuked their behaviour. (vancouver.citynews.ca) ART Vancouver)
.צִיוּ, .לא רש steamy (Yeah, I tried to cut corners, and a lot of guys did, at that steamy time.)
.רְפוּ peracute
.תקשור violent
abandoned; demonstrative; high (особ. о море); rebellious; stormy (о погоде, море); temperamental; wavy (о море); wild (о море, погоде и т.п.); rough
бурно עו"ד
Gruzovik intensely; impetuously; rapidly
Игорь Миг dramatically
כלל. frenetically (sea holly); loudly; gustily; amain; with at, in a powder; stormily (Азери); tempestuously (Азери); vehemently (Liv Bliss); vigorously (Karkalas); effusively; furiously; headily; volcanically; thriftily; boisterously
.כִּימ violently (little_mouse)
.צורת with foam at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev); exponentially (Over the first year of life, the ability of babies to understand and use their parents' language develops exponentially. – переживает бурный рост / бурно развивается ART Vancouver)
"бурно" adj.
.אִיטַ, .מוּסִ tumultuoso (нотное указание)
бурное adj.
.נַוָט roughness
бурная кратковременная
: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים
משאבי טבע ושימור חיות בר1