מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   צרפתית אנגלית
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Code de conduite
 Code de Conduite
כלל. .חַקלָ Code of Good Conduct
 Code de conduite
.מיקרו Code of Conduct
.תְעוּ כלל. כלל. Code of Business Conduct
 code de conduite
.אקטיב code of behaviour
.כַּלְ code of conduct
.מיקרו code of conduct
.פּוֹל Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
| de
.מדעי Dec
| l
.טֶכנו Length
| UE
.פּוֹל EU
| sur
.בריאו safe
| la
.כַּלְ milk
| complementarite
כלל. complementarity
| et
מחש. AND
| la division du travail
 la division du travail
.כַּלְ the division of labour
dans | la
.כַּלְ milk
| politique
.אומנו politics
| de
.מדעי Dec
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

code de conduite
.אקטיב code of behaviour
.כַּלְ code of conduct
.מיקרו code of conduct (Rules that explain how someone should behave while using a service or product)
.פּוֹל Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest; Code of Conduct
codes de conduite
.מחקר codes of practice
Code de conduite
.מיקרו Code of Conduct (The link to the code of conduct, which contains rules that explain how someone should behave while using a service or product)
.תְעוּ Code of Business Conduct
Code de Conduite
.חַקלָ Code of Good Conduct
Code de conduite de l'UE sur la complementarite et la division du travail dans la politique de: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים