מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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 אנגלית אוצר מילים
L [el] קיצור.
.הַשׁק listed; lowest price; lumpsum
.טֵלֶו loading
.טֵלֶו, .נוֹטָ loading
.טֶכנו equivalent ionic conductance; free path; heat content; latent heat per gram; leading edge; legal; levorotatory; liquid rate; lira; locator beacon; mass velocity; mean free path of molecules; molar heat of fusion or vaporization; molar latent heat; quantum number; self-inductance; solubility product; total quantum number
.נוֹטָ L-display; Labour; lady; lake; Lazy; Lecturer; Leftmost; Liberal; Liberalism; Liberty Financial Companies, Inc.; Lightweight; Lincoln; Lit; Lookup; lord; Loser; Losers; Lovely; Loving; Lucifer; Lucky; LUM; Lumbar; Luminance; Miller index; Looking; Learn; Learning; Live; Last; League; Labor; Like; Location; London; Long; Lost; CXR "L" Carrier Coaxial System e.g., Transcontinental Cable - also called LCXR; lewisite (Киселев); Timber load line; laboratory; lead; leasehold; leather; libra; license; limited express (train); liner; loose; lower power; lowest; lumber line; lineup; losses; lost; lost game; coefficient of induction; coil; elevated; leader; lean oil; Lebanon; less than; lev; library; lineman; line telegraphy; line telephone; Luzon; pound; linking number
.נוֹטָ, .אונקו Liter
.נוֹטָ, .אנגלי Lancers
.נוֹטָ, .בַּלש Latin (pansypras)
.נוֹטָ, .בּוּר Low
.נוֹטָ, .ביולו leucine
.נוֹטָ, .הִתעַ locked cone
.נוֹטָ, .הנדסת angular momentum; length of stroke
.נוֹטָ, .חַקלָ litter
.נוֹטָ, .חַשְׁ self inductance
.נוֹטָ, .טיפוג leather binding
.נוֹטָ, .טכנול Although; List; label; light; longitudinal
.נוֹטָ, .יחסים word length adjustment
.נוֹטָ, .כִּימ Avogadro constant
.נוֹטָ, .כַּלְ time zone L
.נוֹטָ, .לָטִי libra (pound Vosoni)
.נוֹטָ, .מִסְח Liberian Dollar; lempira; loss
.נוֹטָ, .מַדָע Late; Lecture
.נוֹטָ, .מדעי loam soil texture class; labradorite; lacustrine deposit; laschamp; laser ranging; latent heat; latent heat per mol; laterologging; launching; lawsonite; lean; lenads; leu; lithosphere; lobes; luminous; luminous emittance; luminous intensity
.נוֹטָ, .מכוני liters; left hand thread; limousine; lubricate; luxeluxury
.נוֹטָ, .מכשיר local; coupling length; laptop; laser; latch; layout; left circularly polarized; lock
.נוֹטָ, .נפט/נ laccolith; lagoon; language; log; inductance; lateral log; lime; moles of liquid phase; latite; laumontite; law; layering; lead of helix; lead sheath; ledger; lenad; lens; leucogabbro; lignin; lilac; limited; limonite; liptinite; liquidus; lithographic; Lloyd; lobe; locus; loop; lower; lubricant; lug pads; lumen
.נוֹטָ, .נשק ל local control; lewisite (chlorvynil dichloroarsine)
.נוֹטָ, .סיומת L-System fractal (Fractint); Lex language source code file; Linker directive file (WATCOM wlink); Lisp language source code file
.נוֹטָ, .סקוטי Lewisite (Chemical warfare blister agent); Lima (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 157.5 E - 172.5 E (GMT -11)
.נוֹטָ, .פִיסִ Living
.נוֹטָ, .פִיסִ, .רְפוּ Left; Life
.נוֹטָ, .פּוֹל Luxembourg
.נוֹטָ, .פולימ lithium
.נוֹטָ, .פיזיק brightness
.נוֹטָ, .קַרטו little; loch; lough
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ left; & A Light And Accommodation; Lactobacillus; Liver; Outer Membrane Layer Of Cell Wall Of Gram-negative Bacteria (layer); leukocytes; boundary; limit; diffusion length; legionella; leishmania; leptomonas; Leptospira; licensed to practice; light sense; Ehrlich's symbol for lethal; lumbar spinal nerve; lung; lysosome
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ, .לָטִי limes
.נוֹטָ, .רפואת liveware
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ lift; lavatory; rolling moment; landing flight phase; lapping; legitimate; letdown
.נוֹטָ, .תִכנו, .טכנול Linux
.נוֹטָ, .תעשיי Large
.נוֹטָ, .תקשור Low state
landplane; latitude; launch; launcher; leaflet; leave; lethal; letter; level; lieutenant; link; list; listening; live; locator; logistics; longitude
L. קיצור.
.הַשׁק law
.נוֹטָ Laws (of state); line; land
.נוֹטָ, .טֶכנו large
.נוֹטָ, .כַּלְ lowest price; liner; ledger; label
.נוֹטָ, .לָטִי Locus ("place"); Lucius (a common Roman forename)
.נוֹטָ, .מדעי lake; left; light; link; London; long; longitude
.נוֹטָ, .נפט/נ lime
.נוֹטָ, .סַפרָ late; Latin; Legal; literate
L+ קיצור.
.בּוּר LIBOR ('More)
.נוֹטָ, .גנטיק limes death
L- קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ prefix indicating that a molecule is sterically analogous to L-glyceraldehyde; laevo-rotatory
L+ קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ fatal dose
*L* קיצור.
.נוֹטָ Laugh (Vosoni)
/L קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .סקוטי Take-Off & Landing
L/ קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .נפט/נ lower
Р&L קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .סגנון profit and loss
μL קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .פלסטי microliter
l [el] קיצור.
.אופטי lambert
.ביולו ligament
.גֵאוֹ lava
.טֶכנו 1000 cm3
.מכוני litre
.נוֹטָ lamp; land; landing; large; lateral; leaf; leave allowance; length; letter of authority; liaison; light alloy; line; liquid; liter; load; local; low; neutron lifetime; search subarea length; equivalent ionic conductivity; lightning; pound sterling; prompt neutron lifetime
.נוֹטָ, .כִּימ levorotary
.נוֹטָ, .מוליכ mobility of ion
.נוֹטָ, .פיזיק azimuthal quantum number
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ liter (use of CAPITAL letter preferred); lingual
.נפט ו laminar; laminated; lamination
.תְעוּ left; lift; locator
l. קיצור.
.כְּרִ libra; lumen
.נוֹטָ leasehold; lines (Vosoni); in line; leaf; league; lean; lengthy; letter; litre (liter); low
.נוֹטָ, .מדעי latitude
.נוֹטָ, .סַפרָ language; leather; library
.נוֹטָ, .פיזיק subsidiary quantum number
.פולימ laevorotatory; length; linear; liter
βL קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .מכשיר lateral beta; lateral current gain
.נוֹטָ, .פיזיק angular momentum
μl קיצור.
.נוֹטָ microlitre
L-FORM קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ A Defective Bacterial Variant That Can Multiply On Hypertonic Medium