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intuitive typeמתח
.פְּסִ интуит (kids usually have one of Intuitive, Sensory, Thinking, or Feeling – one of the four “middle” Myers-Briggs codes – as their dominant trait. Certainly by the time your child is three or four years old, you should be able to pick out the one of these four that they display most often. At ages four, six, and eight, all three of my kids are pretty easy to call. Today I’ll talk about Intuitive versus Sensory. This aspect is about how you take in and process information. Intuitives look at the big picture; sensory people are all about the details. Intuitive types use their internal feelings to draw conclusions, fantasize about the future, or read into the actions of others; sensitive types rely on their five senses and concrete facts from their environment to figure things out. • Интуит – Описание ребенка-интуита имеет значительные отличия по сравнению с сенсориком. Такой малыш для восприятия окружающего мира использует не только пять органов чувств (зрение, слух, обоняние, осязание, вкус), но и шестой — интуицию. Его считают мечтателем и фантазером. turtlehead.me 'More); интуитивный тип (личности)