מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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combat commandמתח
.חיל ה ударное формирование (lorantalasa)
.רכבים, .ארצות боевое командование (боевая группа бронетанковой дивизии)
боевая войсковая единица; управление боем (Andrey Truhachev); управление в бою (Andrey Truhachev)
Combat Command
כלל. боевое командование
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
combat command US
.לוֹגִ Employment force package made up of several battalions, preferably subordinate to a combined arms brigade for instance: airmobile grouping comprising 2 Army Aviation battalions or to a specialised support brigade field artillery and air-defence artillery groupings of the Artillery Brigade. It is named after its main technical and operational characteristic for instance: tank, armoured, motorised, mechanised, airborne, airmobile grouping, etc.. It differs from the brigade in so far as it is often only a temporary grouping, and as it has a smaller command structure. The brigade is often commanded by a general officer, while a grouping is generally commanded by a colonel. FRA
combat command: 69 צירופים, 6 נושאים
רכבים משוריינים13